
Monday, June 16, 2008

Majority Oppose C-10

Ottawa, ON – A majority (52%) of Canadians believe that it would be wrong for the government to screen the content of films and either approve or deny tax credits based on whether or not they deem it to be offensive or ‘contrary to public policy’, according to a new Ipsos Reid poll conducted for CanWest News Service and Global Television.

A highly surprising poll result. Maybe its because our "stars" are such a low key, earnest bunch--you can hardly brand Sarah Polley a decadent socialite, and Cronenberg makes you gag from the highest of artistic intentions--but it appears as though the Harper Gov's attempt to bash Hollywood North has been a failure.

The regional breakdowns in the poll are particularly unexpected:

At 62 per cent, residents of film-industry-heavy British Columbia are most likely to say the government is "wrong" to interfere in such a way. That's followed by those living in the mostly Conservative province of Alberta at 57 per cent...

And this Hill Times article describes the battle over C-10 as it is playing out in the Senate. Some speculation that it may be allowed to die there. If it does not and passes in its current form, then the Tories can kiss their long awaited Urban Breakthrough goodbye.


  1. Deciding policy soley on the basis of polls is not necessarily good policy.

    What we need is consistency. We are not free to speak openly so why should artists be allowed to? Censorship for all I say.

    Let's have Barbara Hall arbitrarily censor us when she feels like it, and heck, let's make Barbara Hall the censor of whatever it is those artists are doing too.

  2. The initial presence of tax credits is technically an "interference"....

    I agree with Paul S, at least the essence of it. If an entity like the HRC has the power to punish someone for offending others, why shouldn't the government be able to deny a tax credit? In the end the film industry is no different than any other in seeking tax-friendly treatment from the Feds. Well, sometimes the help is there, sometimes it ain't.

    And wasn't Sheila Copps the one that introduced similar legislation a few years back? It's hardly a proposal unique to conservatives.

    David Miller's a moron. I supposed he'd oppose a tax credit being denied to someone making a holocaust-denying film?

  3. DT,

    They CAN CURRENTLY deny a tax credit. C-10 says they can deny that tax credit after the movie maker has successfully applied for the tax credit. That's the part people don't like. You can play by the rules and then, by minsiterial fiat, have your tax credit taken away.

  4. Ah, ok.

    Seems like you're on some pretty solid ground, then. However, I'll wait for Jonathon to weigh in before making up my mind.

  5. We are not free to speak openly so why should artists be allowed to?

    Why do you keep saying this? No force on Earth appears able to shut you up, so I don't see why you're panicking so much.

    Or are you sitting at home, in full nazi regalia (over panties and a push-up bra) ready to march as soon as you get the "all clear?"

  6. BCL, one may not know until a movie is finished whether it is offensive or not so the government must protect our human rights by changing the rules with Bill C-10. After all, you can never have too many laws against offensive words or offensive art.

  7. If hundreds of movies get canned to prevent just one minority from having hurt feelings, it will all be worth it.

  8. Paul wrote:

    "BCL, one may not know until a movie is finished whether it is offensive or not..."

    Because it so easy to pass off a porno as a documentary, I suppose.

  9. Because it so easy to pass off a porno as a documentary, I suppose.

    Don't mystify the speechies with words like "documentary." They're still trying to grasp the concept of censorship.

    One wonders to what use the speechies have put their right to freedom of expression. All I've seen Paul S. do is harrass people here and at DeSmogBlog and a google search on "Jermo Sapiens" reveals nothing except Steyn-fellatio, bitching about the HRC's (in relation to the travails of his lover, Mark Steyn, no doubt) and AGW denial.

  10. "Because it so easy to pass off a porno as a documentary, I suppose." - BCL

    It's all about dignity BCL. Your dignity, my dignity, and well, maybe not ti-guy's dignity, but you get my point.

    With so much dignity at stake, can we afford not to pass C-10? Dare we take the risk? I say no.

    "All I've seen Paul S. do is harrass people here and at DeSmogBlog" - ti-guy

    Who are you ti-guy? I mean, really, who are you? Are you an investigator for a HRC doing online research? That would explain a lot.

  11. Who are you ti-guy? I mean, really, who are you?

    Frankly, it'd far more interesting if one of you trolls came clean about what it is you find so gosh darn satisfying about irritating people with irrationality.

    Are you an investigator for a HRC doing online research?

    I wouldn't have the stomach for it.
