
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Ed Sieb, Bearer Of The CPoC Secret Agenda

As I mentioned yesterday, Ed is a big wheel in the campaign of Ottawa South Tory Candidate Elie Salibi. Back in '07, Ed engaged in some murder fantasies on the FreeDominion discussion board:

My fondest dream is assasinating Yvonne Ridley! That vile appologist for Islamofascism.

Whoo hoo! While Stephen Harper's been careful to give the 2008 version of CPoC a moderate face, its back-rooms seem packed with the crew of the old Reform Party crazy train.

This, by the way, is Yvonne Ridley. Not a particularly admirable person, but...

1 comment:

  1. He certainly does have a lot of violent fantasies, doesn't he? Some people think Harper is going too far with the idea of locking up minors for life. Well if it was up to Ed Seib, that would be the least of their problems.

    Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 11:46:00 -0400
    From: "Ed Sieb"
    Subject: RE: Girl, 17, charged in paintball gun incident

    An eye for an eye. The perp should have her eye gouged out, with a sharp
    spoon. The driver should be caned senseless, and have his driving permit
    canceled for life. Let him take the bus.

    Ed Sieb

    This is a link to the news story he's referencing:

    Funny, isn't it, that a man who hates Muslims so much is such a strong advocate of the form of "justice" most commonly found in the most brutal implementations of Sharia?
