
Friday, October 10, 2008

Stephen Harper In Shit In Quebec

My free-style French translation of this headline from La Presse. I'm not really sweating the whole accuracy thing too much. And, as Philippe Gohier notes, a small sample size, and who the heck is Segma? But still it shows a huge (11%) decline in Tory support within Quebec.


  1. Use the Google translator.. very handy.

  2. More fun doing it freeform.

  3. Results mirror what Nanos has been showing for Quebec as well.

    Results in 2006 were
    BQ: 42
    Lib: 21
    Con: 25
    NDP: 7.5
    Green: 4

    When the results are in, I expect the NDP and Greens will be closer to the 2006 actuals than what the polls are showing. The Greens in general, and the NDP in Quebec, tend to poll higher than they achieve on voting day.

  4. Just a reminder of the destruction started by Harper. Please read the link.

    Harper's Conservatives don't and won't accept government's necessary role of preparing for our future.

    Harper followed Bush's example and first deregulated credit. June 2006, than again in November 2006 CMHC relaxed its standards. Prior to Harper, government insured mortgage were a prudent maximum of 25 years and with a minimum down payment of 5%. The introduction of dangerous zero down 40yr mortgages fueled already out of control housing prices. Canada is not suffering to the extend the US people are suffering because the Liberals know there is piper to pay and did not follow Bush deregulating credit. Only after Canada felt the growing credit crises did Harper reverse the dangerous zero down 40yr mortgages effective Oct 15 2008 which he earlier introduced in 2006.


    Earlier this year, CMHC was the first Canadian mortgage insurer to introduce, on a pilot basis, insurance on loans with extended amortization periods of up to 30 years. Building on the success of this pilot, CMHC is now moving to further facilitate homeownership by making this feature on-going, and is also introducing extended amortization periods of up to 35 years.

  5. "Just a reminder of the destruction started by Harper. Please read the link." - socially active

    Yeah, our banking system is rated the best in the world. Lots of destruction here.

    By the way all, how's that Liberal campaign going? Expecting a (LOL) strong finish?

  6. Pipe down Paulie, or you'll get the hose again.

    All I have to do is to think about your Desmogblog comments to know just how crazy you are.

    I invite everyone to google them. He was quite literally driving people insane, until he was banned.

  7. So is anyone shocked that Harper was lying through his teeth about the Cadman tape?

    No wonder the lying, snivelling coward Ed Sieb has such a huge hard-on for him. Birds of a feather. Or is it butt-buddies?

  8. Paul S, and Harper established the foundations of our banking system, did he?

  9. "Paul S, and Harper established the foundations of our banking system, did he?" - BCL

    Harper certainly hasn't presided over the "destruction" of our banking system BCL, as socially active asserts.

    We should be thanking our lucky stars for our current good fortune.
    Instead, Dion wants to insert his untested Green Shift into the current turmoil.

    Thankfully, Canadians have enough good sense to prevent this from happening.

    How's the holiday going?

    "All I have to do is to think about your Desmogblog comments to know just how crazy you are.
    . . . until he was banned." - ti-guy

    Yeah, yeah whatever ti-guy. I still post over on Desmog regularly. My posts drive a few of the more strident warmers crazy, but so what? They were crazy to begin with.

  10. "basic bath"???

    I assume you mean basic math, but with ti, you never know. Example please?

    Oh, and in a desperate attempt to do one last stab at that Harper=Cheney=Bush=Pure Evil thingy, the Libs are offering up this pathetic website:

  11. I've seen it. It's a hit.

    Back you to your rhododendrons, Teresa.

  12. "I've seen it. It's a hit."

    No doubt simpletons get enjoyment out of it.

  13. Those marigolds aren't going to tend themselves, Mable.
