
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Catholic Insight Still Entitled To Free Stamps!

"On July 24, 2007, I wrote to you to inform you that we had received a complaint regarding the eligibility of Catholic Insight for funding through the Publications Assistance Program. At that time, I informed you that we believed that the complaint might have some merit, and that we would be monitoring your magazine on an ongoing basis to ensure that the eligibility criteria of the program were being respected.

'Based on the information provided, we have now finished our review, and have concluded that Catholic Insight remains eligible for funding.

'Thank you for your co-operation in this matter and accept my best wishes for continued success with Catholic Insight.'"

As you may remember, Catholic Insight receives funds from Heritage Canada under the Canadian Heritage Publications Assistance Program (PAP), funds which are designed to offset[s] the mailing costs of Canadian content magazines and non-daily newspapers mailed within Canada.


...[magazines are not eligible for postal subsidy] if they in the view of Canadian Heritage, contain material considered to be hate propaganda, sexual exploitation, excessive or gratuitous violence, denigration of an identifiable group or an any other way offensive.

Several years ago, a "questionable content complaint" was filed against Catholic Insight for publishing allegedly anti-gay articles, and had this ruling gone the other way they might have lost their stamp allowance.

As for my own QCC complaint against Macleans, well, that's become kind of a back pocket thing in case they bring Steyn back. But just so you know, Macleans get millions out of PAP, in fact are the nation's single largest recipient of the subsidy in question.


  1. As for my own QCC complaint against Macleans, well, that's become kind of a back pocket thing in case they bring Steyn back.

    Shh. They hear you say that and Ken Whyte/Andrew Coyne will be running his garbage tomorrow. Steyn must work cheap as well, since what he writes takes no time or effort whatsoever.

    There's nothing left for these publications than to shove odious miscreants in our faces on an hourly basis and goad everyone into responding to their manufactured controversies. They certainly can't do it with appealing ideas, compelling arguments, genuine controversies or even good writing anymore.

  2. Religious organizations abusing the system, I am so not shocked. Not only do they get free postage to ship around their antiquated hate propaganda and various positions against government policy but they also get to advocate and lobby without giving up their tax free status'. Try vocalizing against the governemnt as an environmental group and you quickly discover what is supposed to happen in these situations.

  3. "Macleans get millions out of PAP, in fact are the nation's single largest recipient of the subsidy in question.

    Say what?


  4. BCL, I suspect that is where the complaint will stay: your back pocket. Steyn or no Steyn, Maclean's won the battle now and for the forseeable future.

  5. I don't think so, Paulie.
