
Monday, March 09, 2009

Changes To PAP Program Would Kill Canadian Lit Mags, Subsidize Macleans And Mark Steyn

No shit. There's a Facebook Page (Natch) to fight the changes:

On February 17, 2009, Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore announced in a speech he made in Montreal (see here) that the Canada Magazine Fund and Publishing Assistance Program will be merged to create the Canada Periodical Fund. Initiatives from this new body will come on stream in 2010.

Departing from his prepared remarks, James Moore indicated that eligibility for funding could potentially be restricted to those magazines with an annual circulation above 5000. With notable exceptions, the circulation of virtually every Canadian literary and arts magazine, large and small, is below 5000.

Lots of background, here for example, but the bottom line appears to be that the Tory government will de-fund Canada's literary magazines while continuing to shovel $2,500,000 per annum at Macleans so Kenneth Whyte can keep publishing slop that "resembles hate speech". Talk about Robin Hood in reverse.


  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Despite the fact that they tell us that we should be terrifed by anyone saying them, conservatives' favourite words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

  2. that the Tory government will de-fund Canada's literary magazines while continuing to shovel $2,500,000 per annum at Macleans

    The total for all Rogers publications is considerably higher, as well. And they're all god-awful crap, pretty much.

  3. Why don't you and your friend Dimfella organize a campaign to protest this, so that MORE money can go to magazines with circulation greater than 5000 ?

    After all you did such a bang up job with the anti Ezra-Shadlie effort ?

  4. Why don't you and your friend Dimfella organize a campaign to protest this..

    We're twittering and facebooking our arses off. What more do you want?

    Anyway...*shh*. This issue involves print material and reading. It really wouldn't interest you.

  5. I can just picture you and Dimfella all a twitter.

    Did you mean to say you are both arses or your arses are all a twitter ?
