
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ontario PC Leadership Race, Day 5

This guy has a round-up of the early state of the on-line wars, and Taylor the latest list of potentials. I note that Klee's site has a helpful list of the man's private member's bills, including An Act to Declare April 2nd Pope John Paul II Day. I'm always up for another stat holiday (if that's what he's calling for).

Meanwhile, though Tim Hudak is still avoiding playing footsie with the question, the OPC executive's decision to hold its leadership convention in late June effectively tilts the playing field in his direction. The strategy seems to be: bury John Tory, and anoint the front runner as his successor. So far, so good. The fact that Hudak's name is suspiciously similar to the name of an early version of the Ontario New Home Warranty Program does not seem to have impeded his leadership bid. Yet...

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