
Thursday, October 15, 2009

They're All Here!

Get your Tory Novelty Cheques (all 10 pages worth!) here.

Tell us which one you think is most tacky.


  1. Ok. I'll say it as none of the Liberal attack dogs have so far.

    The Conservative party has its roots, to a great extent in the "REFORM" party. A party that decried "politics as usual". That was supposed to be "different".

    Whether or not the stupid cheques "work", isn't the point. It's the same cynical political bullshit that at least SOME conservatives were unhappy about, enough to abandon the PC party and start a new party.

    How, exactly, is the current incarnation of the Conservative party different?

    Maybe it's time to do a little navel gazing and consider ourselves incredibly lucky that the last two leaders of the LPC have been Stephane Dion and Michael Ignatieff.

  2. Dean Del Mastro's novelty cheque is rather undersized. He was ill-advised. Posing with a giant cheque would have been one of the few instances where he would have appeared demure.

  3. The Conservative party has its roots, to a great extent in the "REFORM" party. A party that decried "politics as usual". That was supposed to be "different".

    Since you were on the ground when that grass seed took root, Rob, just what exactly about "politics as usual" did Reform want to reform?

    I tuned out very early, since, from my perspective, all it communicated was populist simple-mindedness and social conservatism. In that sense, it wasn't reform. It was the usual.

  4. Well, to be honest, I didn't support the Reform Party at the outset. However, Alan Rock brought me back into the Conservative fold.

    My take, is the notion of the Reform as a "social conservative" movement was overblown fear-mongering from the Liberals.. my take on small "r" reform, is a party which eschewed partisan political appointments and pork-barrelling - but here we are. Same old.

  5. What's the tackiest cheque?...

    Must we choose?

    And do Ed Komarnicki, Dick Harris (holy crap), Bev Shipley , and Cheryl Gallant have a cheque book of those things?

    Barry Devolin seemed to have learned that when it comes to novelty cheques you can't go small with them. Bigger is better.

  6. My take, is the notion of the Reform as a "social conservative" movement was overblown fear-mongering from the Liberals

    I didn't hear anything about Reform until my friends from Western Canada (from a variety of tradition political backgrounds, meaning Liberal, true Tory and NDP) in grad school started whispering, ominously about something coming. They were obviously familiar with a flavour of populism that had been thoroughly marginalised in Ontario and Quebec.

    What I don't understand is why you didn't recognise what is essential to right wing populism; that particularly pernicious variety of dishonesty known as hypocrisy.

    It's no surprise to me that the hypocrites have turned into what they oppose. That's what hypocrites do.

  7. Ok TG.. to, here, in the REAL world, who do you choose?

    That's the problem isn't it.

    For all the Liberal spin on the cliamte change concerns, what did they do during their tenure after Koyoto? Hypocrites.

    For all the Liberal jibberish about the cheques, at the same time, do they really think our memories are that short regarding the sponsorship fiasco, and the sale of Digby Wharf fiasco, and the recen arrest of a former Liberal appointee to the LG of Quebec for fraud?

    That's the thing, isn't it? Who get's to sit in the glass house and throw stones?

    And is it any better to be, like you, some embittered political hermit who hates everyone and offers nothing of positive spin to say, "hey, how about this.."?

  8. The Conservative party has its roots, to a great extent in the "REFORM" party. A party that decried "politics as usual". That was supposed to be "different".

    Hippies become Yuppies. Communists become capitalist. It seems as though everyone becomes what they hate. Possibly, the problem is seeing the rot or sin as being outside of oneself, in another group or organization, instead of being part of human nature and therefore something that we ourselves can succumb to. (Interesting point raised in Chris Hedge's book -- When Atheism Becomes Religion.)

    That's the thing, isn't it? Who get's to sit in the glass house and throw stones?

    Whoever's not in government gets to throw. Why? They're not in power.

    Yeah it's a minority government, but there are obvious perks like apparently sending money to ridings that voted to your party, and writing big novelty cheques that opposition parties cannot indulge in.

    Plus, if as you noted in your earlier post, the Conservatives were suppose to be different. The Liberals can't be faulted for pointing out that the Conservatives fail to live up to their own beliefs.

    ("One of us. One of us.")

  9. Ok TG.. to, here, in the REAL world, who do you choose?

    What does this mean?

    For all the Liberal spin on the cliamte change concerns, what did they do during their tenure after Koyoto? Hypocrites.

    Was it hypocrisy, ineptitude or exhaustion? Or, was it vicious and bilious opposition from Western oil interests? Or some combo of all four?

    Remind me again what is the single biggest source of greenhouse gases in Canada?

    And is it any better to be, like you, some embittered political hermit who hates everyone and offers nothing of positive spin to say, "hey, how about this.."?

    I don't hate everyone. Just Reformatories. And I don't actually hate them. I despise them.

    Those assholes supported the Iraq War...screamed at the rest of us that we were anti-American, anti-semitic, terrorist-coddling, Eurosocialist....French! (I remember that obese, drunken buffoon the Albertans worshipped spitting out that word at the time when he condemned Chretien for siding with 'the French'). And when it all went tits up, you all just went quiet. And then moved on the next points on your agenda: Smaller governments, fiscal probity and the unassailable wisdom of the free market.

    *snort* *snort* and *snort*

    They ruin everything. And since that's only been making the Harpies more popular, I can only conclude one thing...I have nothing to contribute until these imbeciles are kicked out of power.

  10. Mark Francis (with h/t to Impolitical) notes one signed by Harper

    Perhaps it is included in the Flicker pages and I missed it.

  11. I have nothing to contribute until these imbeciles are kicked out of power.

    People like you only bother when they think its easy, when its their turn of the hand on the lever of power. Otherwise, like petulant children they have nothing at all to contribute.


  12. People like you only bother when they think its easy, when its their turn of the hand on the lever of power.

    You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Go back to the other post you were trolling and answer Lenny's response to your dismissal of Reformatory corruption.

    That is, if you have any actual balls and can do more than just mouth off to strangers.

  13. A link to "another post" that brings us back here to this one? Yeah, that was brilliant.

    Come back when you put down the bottle ya reprobate.

  14. Oh suck it like you love me.


  15. Done and done.

    Now go sleep it off.

  16. Sleep what off?

    I don't drink during the day. I'm not an Albertan.

  17. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Cheryl Gallant, tackiest all the way
