Thursday, October 15, 2009

Here's A Twist...

Tory MP James Bezan signs novelty cheque and uses it to flog personal website.


Anonymous said...

And the Liberals say the money is not flowing....

penlan said...

Is the money flowing in your riding? It is in mine - bucketfulls . My MP is a Con - Gary Schellenberger.

Michael said...

Body bags, wafers, Olympic logos, sexy isotopes; all those "scandals" and much more that the Liberals have latched themselves onto that have gone absolutley nowhere.

It is undeniable that this cheque thing was a stupid, ill-conceived, presumptious idea on the part of the Tories. However, the problem you guys have is that even now when you finally (hopefully, maybe) do get a little something, it will end up going nowhere because you've cried wolf so often that people won't and don't care enough for it to have any appeciable effect on your party's and its leader's downward spiral

One of your earlier commenters on another thread hit the nail on the head when he said Ignatieff just came out with another speech and THIS is the story you guys are focusing on - what the other guys are doing wrong rather than what you should be doing right.

By the way, check out the latest CBC EKOS poll. Your party and its leader still haven't found the floor.

Robert G. Harvie, Q.C. said...

What Michael said.

bigcitylib said...

So all you have to do now is engineer your own defeat.

Ti-Guy said...

I mean they look like pigs, but who knew the Tories would be so true to type when the it came to slopping the hogs?

Micheal and Rob...they're positively wallowing in their filth!

sharonapple88 said...

About the controversy, I have no illusions this will change anything. (Although Paul Martin's Liberals were brought down seemingly on ethical issues... and the whole notion of change.) I'm just enjoying the fact that a party that was suppose to bring ethics to government isn't. Not surprised. It's politics. You have to say something to want people to vote for you.

Being a good politician is different from being actually able to run the government well. Not mutually exclusive talents, but just because you have one doesn't mean you have the other.

By the way, check out the latest CBC EKOS poll. Your party and its leader still haven't found the floor.

You know, the results are within the margin of error of the previous week's survey (Margin of Error: 1.9%; Conservatives last week: 39.7%; Conservatives this week: 40.7%; Liberals Last week: 25.7%; Liberals this week: 25.5%). To say that anything's really changed is... well, not really taking in account statistics.

But hey, if it makes you feel better... wail, gnashing of teeth, ashes in the hair. Whatever gets you through the night.

sharonapple88 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wilson said...

The cheque in that pic does not cross the advertising guidelines.

But heh, if you Libs want to keep comparing cheque-gate to Adscam, we Con partisans are happy to help you along with that!

Con riding assoc's cross advertising 'guidelines'
kick-back scheme directing millions in stolen taxpayer funds into Liberal candidates and party hands

wilson said...

And there's that Ti-Guy, helping Libs bring in that women's vote!

Michael said...

So all you have to do now is engineer your own defeat.

Obviously, it is up to the Opposition to defeat the government, no matter how much "engineering" is done.

And seeing as how the voters don't want one and the Tories have said as much time and again, you won't have to worry. :)

Ti-Guy said...

And there's that Ti-Guy, helping Libs bring in that women's vote!

Speaking of women, Kady O'Malley had to scold the shrew Wilson for yet another bilious attack on her choice of blog topics.

Sharon Wilson...keeping smarter, more capable women in their place so Conservative men don't feel threatened.

It's the Conservative way.

Fuck you, you dumb B.I.T.C.H.

sharonapple88 said...

Obviously, it is up to the Opposition to defeat the government, no matter how much "engineering" is done.

I guess you weren't around in 2008.

From the article:
"The 2008 election was called on September 7th when Prime Minister Stephen Harper violated his promise to make fixed election dates a reality in Canadian federal politics and asked Governor General MichaĆ«lle Jean to dissolve Parliament. Ostensibly, the early election call was prompted by what Harper called a “dysfunctional” parliament that he saw as hopelessly deadlocked. Lurking behind his rhetoric were polls that had the Conservatives receiving just less than 40% of the national vote, enough to make a CPC majority government possible, perhaps probable. Since many analysts were predicting the onset of a global recession, the Prime Minister likely surmised that an early election would be the best opportunity for his party to secure a majority before the economic roof fell in."

wilson said...

That Kady O'Malley is cute as a button,
and I wish her well in her new post at CBC.

RuralSandi said...

Wilson must have nothing to do. She's all over the blogosphere, day after day, hour after hour - day and night.

How sad is that.

RuralSandi said...

By the way, Wilson, et al - who's paying for all this kiddie show and tell? Taxpayers or the Con party.

Let us know - with proof.

Ti-Guy said...

That Kady O'Malley is cute as a button...


Now tits out for the lads, Sharon.

Ti-Guy said...

And Tuff-guy steps O/T to show us all just how macho he is...

Unlike Conservatives, who handle, again? Oh yes...with comment moderation, comment deletion, and failing that, swarming and pile-ons.

So brave.

Jim said...

Wow, that vein in TiGuy's forehead must be ready to burst!

Too funny!

RuralSandi said...

...handling trolls.....hmmm, by the same people who cry and yell about freedom of speech.

No hypocracy there folks.

Ti-Guy said...

Wow, that vein in TiGuy's forehead must be ready to burst!

Too funny!

See? Pile-ons.

Wilson has trolled Liberal blogs for years, courtesy of liberal blog commenting policy.

Anyway, there's no fury here, Jim. I call her a bitch with great relish and unbridled glee.

Jim said...

Well, fair enough then, carry on.

You do have a foul mouth though.

As for Liblogs open comment policy, I would beg to differ.

Kantsellit always strikes out my comments as does Steve at Far and Wide, there are others as well.

I know the truth can hurt, but my posts are generally an attempt to add to the discussion. I try to keep the language civil and attempt to not be radically partisan, yet still I am edited.

Your version of free speech on the Liblogs is simply not true.

wilson said...

'I call her a bitch with great relish and unbridled glee.'

I always seem to bring out the best in you Ti-Guy!

Sandi, thanks for the hug, but perhaps you have boredom confused with motivation.

Oh, and before you all go into that paid Con operative thing,
not on a payroll, not on a volunteer list (yes, donor list), never been to a Con meeting (no facebook), and I didn't vote Conservative in 2008......
I am an NEP survivor.

Ti-Guy said...

but my posts are generally an attempt to add to the discussion.

I'd have to see evidence of this on the two...TWO...blogs you mentionned, neither of which I read all that often by the way (one is not even a blog and the other's just an endless troll fest), before I took that at face value.

What do you consider "adding to the discussion?" Additional, factual information (with sources, hopefully) or just your opinion/polemic as a Conservative? Because if it's the latter, it's largely worthless to non-Conservatives. On some level, I'm sure you know that.

Ti-Guy said...

I am an NEP survivor.

No you aren't. The NEP obviously caused you to lose your mind and become obsessed with harrassing Canadians over the Internet.

Nice to find out you're a lot older than I imagined.


CanadianSense said...


why would the CPC have to force their own defeat?

You are assuming the numbers are not going to get much lower for the Liberals.

Why not wait until they hit below 20%?

Ti-Guy said...

You assume the press's second honeymoon with Big Daddy is going to last forever.

News flash: The economy is going to keep tanking and the deficit is going to get worse and no song and dances at the NAC and blue sweaters are going to change that.

Besides...major corruption scandal on the horizon...

Anonymous said...

"Body bags, wafers, Olympic logos, sexy isotopes"

In and Out, bribing dying men, Afghan torture, parliamentary committee obstruction handbook, gagged MPs, science denial, abandoned citizens, hacks in the senate, restricted access to government documents, using government of Canada website and Parliamentary correspondence to advertise Conservative Party, repeated, antidemocratic defiance of will of parliament, etc...

Jim said...

TiGuy says...
"What do you consider "adding to the discussion?" Additional, factual information (with sources, hopefully) or just your opinion/polemic as a Conservative? Because if it's the latter, it's largely worthless to non-Conservatives. On some level, I'm sure you know that."

Coming from someone who spouts nothing but vile drivel that is quite amusing! I don't believe that I have ever read a constructive post from you.

I need to ask those that post here (and elsewhere), do you find TiGuy endearing and helpful to your cause?

If you do, please explain how that can be.

CanadianSense said...


Ti-guy represents the worst.

Jim said...

TiGuy says...

"News flash: The economy is going to keep tanking and the deficit is going to get worse and no song and dances at the NAC and blue sweaters are going to change that."

You lefties that pray for economic collapse make me ill.

But you might want to read this, as not everone it seems shares your apparently misinformed view.

Canada economy ripe for growth in 2010

TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada's economy will grow at a faster pace in 2010 than previously thought, but not enough to convince the Bank of Canada to raise interest rates any sooner, according to a Reuters poll published on Thursday.

The survey of 24 economists, conducted over the past week, predicts the Canadian economy will emerge from recession to grow by an annualized 2.5 percent in 2010, comfortably above the 1.9 percent growth predicted in the same poll in July.

The Canadian dollar surged to a 14-month high this week, helped by investor optimism that a global recovery is stimulating demand for Canada's exports, which include oil and commodities.

The domestic economy has been aided in part by the Bank of Canada slashing rates to an all-time low close to zero, where it has pledged to keep them until the end of June next year as long as inflation stays in check.

For 2009, the median forecast was for the economy to shrink by an annualized 2.4 percent, unchanged from the July poll.

"The drivers (of recovery) are the unprecedented monetary stimulus and continued fiscal push, also the V-shaped recovery in financial conditions is a big plus," said Sal Guatieri, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets.

"The upturn in equity and housing prices will also help to support consumer spending, and to top it off commodity prices are moving up and lifting national incomes."

Upbeat economic data have raised questions about whether inflation pressures will allow the central bank to stick to its conditional pledge to hold rates down through to mid-2010.

Still, the poll shows economic growth is not expected to be vigorous enough to spark a rate hike any time soon, with the median forecast in the poll not calling for any monetary tightening until the third quarter of 2010.

The median forecast of the poll has the Bank of Canada keeping its key rate steady at 0.25 percent until the third quarter, when it is expected to raise it to 0.75 percent. It will raise the rate further to 1.25 percent by the end of 2010, the poll showed.

"The trigger is going to be the need for the central banks to retain credibility with financial markets in their quest to keep inflation under control," said Carlos Leitao, chief economist at Laurentian Bank of Canada in Montreal.

"I don't think there is any sort of inflationary pressure building, but ... central banks will need to start sending a signal to the markets that they need to take this as a serious issue and risk, and that the process of normalizing rates at that time will be appropriate."

Canada's unemployment rate will average 8.4 percent this year, according to the median forecast, and rise as high as 9.1 percent during the first half of 2010.

Just last week, data showed Canadian employers hired six times more workers than expected in September, knocking the unemployment rate down to 8.4 percent from 8.7 percent, its first decline since July 2008.

Housing starts are expected to average 140,000 units in 2009, up nearly 4 percent from the 135,000 units forecast in the July poll. For 2010, housing starts are pegged to rise to 159,400 units, the median forecast showed.

Jim said...

News flash: I just punk'd you with a news flash.


Ti-Guy said...

Those are the same economists who predicted last year's global financial meltdown, no doubt.

Come back in a year and I'll forgive you for being a credulous rube, Jim.

Heh. No I won't...

Michael said...

Oh yeah Lenny, I forgot to mention those issues, too.

Such a shame that the public is so outraged by them that if there were an election today, we'd have a Tory majority tommorrow.

Michael said...

Sometimes the truth is; to those that don't like to hear it at any rate. :)

Ti-Guy said...

You'll only uncover the truth if you can explain adequately why the public is not more outraged by Reformatory pefidy.

But in any case, what you're claiming is public wisdom (or more disturbingly, 'common sense') really only reflects a fringe of Canadian society.

Jim said...

Sorry TiGuy, but it seems that YOU are becoming the fringe of Canadian society.

You are hateful, petty and obscene.

Bravo for you.

People around the world are about to move the Earth slightly to the right.

As a socially open minded person, I will watch the shift closely, but as a net contributor to the good of this fine country and a citizen of the Earth, I welcome such changes.

Enjoy your time behind the 8 ball, poor uniformed radid partisan lefty.

Your time is up.

The world is no longer moving left..with the exception of the USA...and that will prove to be the biggest mistake the US populous has ever subjected itself to.


Jon Pertwee said...

Jim, "Enjoy your time behind the 8 ball, poor uniformed radid partisan lefty."

Poor uniformed? If you're what the right has to offer then Id say enjoy your time in the spotlight, you're far too stupid to stay there long.

On another note CanadianSense also represents the worst in blog commenters; incredibly partisan yet he thinks he's open minded, believes ideas that require a massive leap of conjecture and with one hell of an iggy obsession. It would be more entertaining if he wasn't so boring.

CanadianSense said...


can you link my claim?

I will state again the BS over novelty cheques is MSM, partisan spin. How many faux scandals do we get from the "loonie" left?

Voters have been tuning out you BS for months.

Peter Mansbridge coverage of Wafergate sealed your fate.

Real People who don't live in a bubble or have an axe to grind are upset about the REAL loss of taxpayers money at E-Health.

Oversized cheques, bodybags, paying off a $ 2.5 million shakedown compliments of the Liberal smear agenda?

Nice try. The 25% in polls is not about Harper is about people like you who are disconnected with reality.

The GM bailout, wasted money on EAP that is REAL. Nice try though to make it about just the leader. The who party and bloggers like you are the problem.

How many times have the Liberals now made speeches about "big ideas" without any details like cost and who is going to pay for it?

Look in the mirror and stop blaming others for a pathetic party without the courage to stick and present REAL ideas that matter.

Ti-Guy said...

Pipe down, you dunce.

wv: Kaxis: "Those citizens who are most supportive of the kakistocracy in which we now live. Example: CanadianNoSense."