
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Senate Reform In A Nutshell

“I think it’s pretty simple, he might not even want this form of Senate reform, but it appeals to his base in the West,” said Prof. [Ned] Franks. “You’ve got to remember the ‘Triple E Senate,’ which is a Canadian brand of tooth paste as far as I know, is sort of the darling of the West. So he introduces it, it gets shot down, he’s lost nothing. He gains something because he tried.”

So: even with a majority the Harper Torys are more worried about raising funds--for what, exactly, at this point in the electoral cycle?--then crafting Legislation that will stand the test of time, which one would like to think is the goal of all federal governments.

Grow up, Torys!

But for a slightly different view, read Colby Cosh, who argues that its the entirely pseudo nature of the proposed Senate election process that renders these "reforms" OK constitutionally.  And, just as an aside,Colby's  hair is even more appalling than it used to be.  When I told him to get a hair-cut, I didn't mean that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    "the Harper Torys are more worried about raising funds--for what, exactly, at this point in the electoral cycle?"

    Is this not the Rovian "constant campaign" mind-set at work? Off-season attack ads don't come cheap and, make no mistake, the Cons will be sliming everyone that gets in their way. Even though the MSM will happily spew stuff such as yesterday's piece about Layton's father, the CPC is not about to cede control over the message to anyone at any time. "'Taliban' detainees", "socialist NDP" have already been heavily used and we're less than two months in. I'm just waiting for the attack ads on Rae.
