And as far as chilling events go, you may have heard that the government will face a non-confidence vote this week. Well, in a minority situation anything can happen. However last June Prime Minister Harper tabled a date of October 2009 for the next election.
It’s up to the other parties if they want to short circuit that with a non-confidence vote.
I have no idea what he's talking about. Maybe he doesn't either.

Dion better suck it up fast. Maybe he can get Segolene Royal to campaign on behalf of her fellow frenchman.
Stockwell Day isn't a credible source on, well, any subject - still it's interesting to ponder...
Anon: 11:28 is a "bigot" - obviously a conservative and doesn't make the conservatives look very good at all - tsk, tsk - very nasty indeed.
If Harper does this, he'll do it to make the Liberals look like they forced an election - you can get on it.
Harper can't be to good a PM if he can't win on his policies, etc.
The word "Frenchman" means a person of French nationality. They are both French citizens (Stephi has yet to renounce I believe). Nothing bigoted about that except in your constipated socialist mind.
Anon: 11:28 is a "bigot" - obviously a conservative and doesn't make the conservatives look very good at all - tsk, tsk - very nasty indeed.
That's OK, BCL doesn't make the Libs look good.
Stock Day could be in wetsuit-mode again, deluding himself into believing that if Harper loses, he gets to be leader.
Or, he could be talking about Bill-C288 (Pablo's bill requiring Kyoto implementation). It is not a money bill, but section 7 compels the government to bring forward measures to meet the Kyoto protocol.
It is somewhat surprising that Harper would not be treating it as a confidence measure, since failure to comply could expose the government to a whole bunch of expensive lawsuits.
BRING IT ON!!!! Canadans have had enough of Harper, people are tired of his control freak neocon robot personality. I pray there is really an election soon, Dion will kick his ass right out of Ottawa and back to Calgary where it belongs.
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