A verbal spat between a man and a woman resulted in her asking him: “Would you like to kill all the Muslims in the world?” to which he replied “100%.”
When asked about the exchanged words, JDL spokesman Meir Weinstein said “some studies have shown 10% of Muslims support terrorist groups.”
At first glance this suggests that one of the JDL folks went "off message". Presumably, in the hours and days to follow, Meir will explain at greater length.
Update: In the comments Meir writes:
I have no idea who these 2 people are. Never seen them or witnessed any of there yelling match.

I have no love for Weinstein, but to be fair I'm not sure it was him who suggested that he was in favor of killing "100%" of Muslims. It reads to me like he was asked to clarify the position of another man, I presume who came with Weinstein, to the counter-rally. I could be wrong though and it doesn't excuse the individual who said it, whoever it was.
I have to say from a personal perspective, I don't see a lot of people with whom I sympathize with in this article. We've written about the extremism of the JDL on our blog, but I personally can't get behind the Al-Quds Day and the organization behind it because of the links to the Iranian theocracy in power since 1979; any group that refers to Israel as, "the Zionist regime" is something that raises serious suspicions concerning their motives and intentions.
Weinstein is by far the most articulate person in the motly crew of far right (mostly JDL) protesters. Which is not saying a lot considering what he says.
Weinstein would never say 100% of Muslims should be murdered, however at the same time he would not condemn that statement, but rather try to defend it by saying "Oh what he actually ment was that 10% of muslims support terrorism" Under Weinstein's definition of terrorism.
Now does weinstein think 10% of muslims should be murdered? that is 150 million people world wide according to his own statistics. Again silence.
Weinstein passively support a lot of things that his website and supporters say: murdering muslims, curtailing their rights, and banning their religion.
Note: I have my reservations about Al-quds day, I think they are the more extreme of the pro palestine rallys and definately I am not a supporter of the current (and previous) regimes of Iran.
No Meir definitely didn't say that, and wouldn't. Presumably, since HE was asked to clarify,it was one of the people he brought along with him.
The official position of Al Quds Day is to destroy Israel.
BCL, you are far more fair than me. Here is my thing, if alquds day is told to distance themselves from antisemitism, it should be expected that the JDL should also distnace themselves this kind of hate.
Sure, and its significant that instead of distancing the JDL from it Meir dodged and darted.
Earlier on Wednesday Brig.- Gen. Gholamreza Jalali, the head of Iran's Passive (civil) Defense Organization and a former commander of the Revolutionary Guards, during a speech ahead of Al-Quds Day, an anti-Israel event initiated by Iran, said that in order to liberate Palestine there was no other option but to destroy Israel.
"[Al-Quds Day] is a reflection of the fact that no other way exists apart from resolve and strength to completely eliminate the aggressive nature and to destroy Israel," Jalali said, according to a report by Iran's ISNA news agency.
The report was also picked up by other news outlets including Mashregh News, which is affiliated to the Revolutionary Guards.
Al-Quds Day is an annual Iranian anti-Zionist event established in 1979 by Ayatollah Khomeini and which falls this year on August 17. Iran also seeks to export the event to other Muslim countries.
Jalali said that the message of Khomeini's Al-Quds Day initiative was that the Muslim world must support the "oppressed people of Palestine" in a show of resistance against "the Zionist usurpers."
Fine, Meir, fine...Iranian generals talking trash. So who was this JDL guy calling for the extermination of all muslims on the streets of our beautiful T.O?
I have no idea who these 2 people are. Never seen them or witnessed any of there yelling match.
Could have said that in the first place, Meir.
You first jumped to conclusions. One of the comments on this posting defames me by saying I am worst than Hitler. Are you going to stand behind that defamation.
Thank you Meir for your peaceful protest. I saw it because I was there. Shame on big italib to smear righteous JDL.
Meir, I have deleted that comment.
It would, though, be useful if you threw in a dozen or so words about how calling for the extermination of muslims was wrong. You are still dodging and darting about the appropriateness of somebody on your side of the barricades calling for genocide. All signs suggest that the pro Al Quds people behaved in a civilized fashion, while your people (in the broadest sense of "your") went nutty.
For many Jewish Ontarians the issue is that this "protest" took place on the grounds of the legislature. It's not like every group is given such permission. I will remember this choice come the next election.
Didn't see the defamatory comment BCL but glad you're consistent and have an editorial policy that you stick to.
As far as defamatory comments go it was pretty innocuous.
Didn't see the defamatory comment BCL but glad you're consistent and have an editorial policy that you stick to.
Oh, sure he does. Like the policy that prevents him from showing a photo of the Muslim child holding the "For world peace, Israel must be destroyed" sign. Or any of the assorted "We are all Hamas" or "Death to America - Death to Israel" signs.
Mike Murphy, it is time for you to get a life. I am going to have a long dicussion with Bernie and Frank about you.
My point was he takes a certain view of defamation. What was put up apparently crossed the line and he took it down.
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