The police also told the rabbi that Jason Kenney, Canada's Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, has been asked to keep me out of Canada.
Its probably bullshit. But somebody out there in, like, the media--the people who are paid to ask tough questions--should ask of Mr. Kenny whether he indeed was petitioned by police to keep Pam Geller out of Canada, and whether he has agreed to do it. Just for clarity's sake,

Lol, `just for claritys sake`
Heads up, in response to Pam Geller being de-hosted from Chabad Flamingo some folks are organizing a protest against bullying and for freedom of speech:
IT is named "It gets better for pam Geller and Freedom Fighters". Ironically when i posted information about the original "It Gets better", my post was swiftly deleted. So feel free to post free speech on that wall, as long as they agree with it 100%.
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