Friday, May 17, 2013
Bernie Farber
...poses with: Conservative Party organizer Georgeanne Burke, PCPO riding association president for Thornhill (MPP Peter Shurman's riding) Gila Martow, and York U professor Merle Jacobs. Also in the picture is officer Ricky Veerappan, the fellow that got Pam Geller turfed from her Thornhill gig. Kathy Shaidle thinks there's something scandalous going on here on Bernie's part. I don't see it myself, but what's weird is how it doesn't seem to bother Shaidle that a couple of known Tories are also "in deep", as it were, with Veerappan. Also doesn't seem to bother her that, according to Geller herself, Jason Kenney, Canada's Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, was involved in the conspiracy to keep her from her Thornhill appearance. Apparently there's lots of freedom hatin', Jihadi lovin' types playing for the blue team as well.

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I don't think you read that quite right, BCL.
Geller alleges "The police also told the rabbi that Jason Kenney, Canada's Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, has been asked to keep me out of Canada." A hearsay allegation about a request being made hardly translates into a claim Jason Kenney participated in the "conspiracy."
I gather you were being a little hyperbolic for ironic, rhetorical purposes, but still..
Richard, you are suggesting that the police lied to Pam Geller, or that Pam Geller lied about what the police told her. I of course dismissed that possibility.
Looks like I'll have to spell this out in detail, though I didn't think it should be so complicated.
In your post here, you wrote:
"according to Geller herself, Jason Kenney, Canada's Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, was involved in the conspiracy to keep her from her Thornhill appearance."
And you provided a link to another aricle of yours basically making the same point and using this (http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/05/free_speech_under_fire_in_canada.html#ixzz2SLXG0hun) link to an American Thinker article by Geller to prove it.
In the article, in which you claimed Geller alleges Kenney was "involved in the conspiracy" to keep her out of Canada, what she actually wrote was:
"The police also told the rabbi that Jason Kenney, Canada's Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, has been asked to keep me out of Canada."
I do believe the police told the rabbi that, and assuming that's the case, I have no reason to doubt that Const. Veerappan was telling the truth.
But just because Kenney was asked to keep her out by some aggrieved party or parties hardly makes our Federal Immigration Minister a party to any conspiracy, nor does Geller say that he participated in any conspiracy. The obvious implication is that the rabbi was being pressured, and Geller plainly means to suggest in a heavy-handed way, into thinking she was some sort of extremist hatemonger.
But again, to make it clear, unless there's some other hidden text with which I'm unfamiliar or missed, at no point is there anything I can find to support your statement that she is claiming Kenney himself was involved in a "conspiracy" to bar her from Canada.
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