...warned Pope Benedict yesterday. He also noted how difficult it was to find a decent masseuse. "Their hands there are calloused and quite indelicate," complained the pontiff.
Professor Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, a medieval history specialist at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, agreed:
"The problem is not only that our sense of sin has declined, but also that the world wars and totalitarianisms of the 20th century created a hell on Earth as bad as anything we can imagine in the afterlife."
Yeah, tell me about it, grampa. My definition of Hell on Earth is a Motel 6 outside of Tuscson Ariz. when the hooker next door is working her way through a whole platoon from the local marine base.
Pope Benedict: The Service Here is Very Poor
Uh, huh - using the hell, fire and brimstone to keep his flock in line - much like Harper.
It's called the "fear" strategy - much like Bush uses.
or like Dion who needs to whip his caucus on non-issue bills.
Ya hell would be a Liberal caucus meeting where the stark, dark realization that they have picked a complete dud as a leader sinks in over the drone of his voice preaching to his captive flock.
Ding Dong - 14 years old maybe?
Perhaps there should be a computer feature that blocks children and/or immature attitudes.
I guess that would be most of the Tories.
You spelled Tucson wrong.
ding dong dion's a dud
Gotta admit, that one made me chuckle. Hey, BCL...I think your troll's on new meds.
Well done! Liberals seem to get quite a rise from insulting religion. Keep it up during the election, won't you?
During the election and beyond, anon 3:47.
Well done! Liberals seem to get quite a rise from insulting religion. Keep it up during the election, won't you?
Freedom of expression, fascist.
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