Scientists are
working to produce a new "burpless" grass which will help cut Methane emissions from cattle. Work on this has been ongoing for
several years now, and scientists also say they are close to developing a human equivalent in the form of a perfumed salad. Eat this stuff, and the other people on the bus will thank you when you fart.
I take it you have a problem with raw vegetables? If you do, stay away from Jerusalem artichokes. Hoo boy!
Special salad will be a great invention for our politicians. Look the stink they raised in the Parliament building that it had to be vacated ;)
Where's the Ranting Fatty, anyway? Aren't these the types of sciency posts he just loves your blog for? Why is the auto-didact missing out on the opportunity to move the discussion forward with all kinds of neat factoids he's gleaned from all that reading he does, every long dateless evening of his life?
That's not a depiction of sex, you know.
Just thought I'd add that, in case that's not clear with you.
If you already knew that, my sincerest apologies.
If it were a goat I might have been confused.
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