If Rob has directly witnessed any Canadian politician (Liberal or Conservative) accepting favours from the Chinese presumably in exchange for votes in the Commons, then he should report that to the appropriate officials. That is not the kind of information that you discuss for the first time with Rosie. He said that he had not talked to the Prime Minister about his allegations, but it is okay to talk about them with Rosie on the CBC? He should be talking to the police, not an amateur like Rosemary Barton.
Typically, in Canada, the federal government's approval ratings go up in summer, when the HOC has been shuttered . But Prime Minister Harper treats the whole season as a kind of leash-free dog-park for his back benchers. Hence...

That link needs fixing up, BCL.
(And I disagree, I think Rosemarie is quite professional.. she would get her own show to host if CBC was smart).
It is nice to see the NaPo comments never cease to keep on crashing through the floor of reasonable discourse set by the preceding articles.
It is a wonderful exercise in cognitive dissonance really. Anders gives no specifics and casts aspersions onto a large group of people with nothing more than just his word, and the Sassylosers of the Conservative partisan sphere decree it as honourable truth telling and whistle blowing. Ah, but Colvin is different, his whistle blowing was magnificently irresponsible, even though comparatively his whistle blowing had more evidence. IOKYAC, I suppose.
Or is Harper getting ready to excise a few "troublesome" moderate MPs from caucus?
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