Shaidle's lesser half. Including
some dude called "Hugh Segal". Who's supposed to be a "Senator", but I don't recall anyone by that name playing for them. Presumably, he was their "left winger". Bah Hah!
In any case, Segal's credibility in Ottawa is now presumably fucked.
If Delić consorted with radicals, that must make him a radical. Logically, if anyone is a Facebook friend of Delić, then they, too, are radicals. And if those friends are radicals, then...
I wish I could write more, but I have to go to my Facebook account to de-friend my gay Friends, then my socialist friends, then my conservative friends, and then my Christian, Muslim, and Hindu friends. The only person left will be my Jewish friend. Unfortunately, he will have de-friended me because I'm too much of a radical.
You left out the law firm of McCarthy Tetrault. Won't they be embarrassed! There goes all their corporate clients...
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