The fellow in the vid is John Bolenbaugh, a one-time employee of SET Environmental, a company Enbridge hired to clean up their Kalamazoo spill. He sued them for wrongful dismissal, and won, and is now going after Enbridge itself. Note that the story was written before the NTSB report that's been in the news so much this week.

1 comment:
Enbridge has been nothing other than, out and out blatant lies, deceit and dirty tactics, right from day one. Enbrige is well known for, NOT cleaning up their spills. Enbridge also lied about the F.N. approving the pipeline. They do not approve.
There have recently been, three pipeline spills in Alberta. Redford still has the gall, to push the Enbridge pipeline into BC. Shame on Premier Redford.
Harper and Campbell have done enough damage, to the BC people and the province. Enbridge has the gall, to put an office in Prince George BC.
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