Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Chris Allen: Christian, Climate Change Skeptic, Boob Grabber

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Most people know Chris Allen as the weatherman on Inhofe's list of deniers who blamed global warming on God. However, his other claim to fame is this youtube video, in which he fondles a giant digital tit. God may look harshly on Mr. Allen for this but, as for the rest of us, who can blame him?


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile dozens have people have frozen to death in South America in the past few weeks. In the coldest spell ever recorded.

Since 1998 not only has the tempurature rise plateaued, it is beginning its drop as predicted by those who are currently studying the Sun and the effects of the peak of the Solar cycle. We are already seeing the effects.

Imagine that. The massive firey ball of burning gas that is thousands of times the size of earth, and responsible for all heat in the solar system,

actually affects the Earth's tempurature???

Ti-Guy said...

Figures that even Christianist boob-fondling couldn't distract ol' Biff from making a stupid, anti-climactic observation about Global Warming.

Post of pic of Mark Steyn in a speedo, BCL. That'll shut him up.

Anyway, I'm so unsurprised that Chris Allen is a fat dweeb with the mentality of a 11 year-old. They're all like that.

Anonymous said...

Finally, something worthwhile on this blog site!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Christians like boobies just like anybody else. What's the problem with that, ti-guy?

Ti-Guy said...

The problem is Chris Allen is a fat, ugly, puerile choad. And that's not particularly Godly or Jesus-like, I'm sure you'd agree.

Anonymous said...

Blaming GW on God is at least far more accurate than blaming in on Man. Only morons believe in AGW.

Ti-Guy said...

Hmmm...a complelling argument, but I remain unpersuaded.

Genuine, scientifically-minded AGW critics doing actual environmental research must become despondent over the sheer number of cretins who support them, I would think. Good thing the grants from Exxon go a long way to alleviate that.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of money-sucking socialist schemes, I wonder if some left-wing panel has come up with a way of, you know, sucking money out of the economy, based on some false interpretation of junk science, like maybe a carbon tax.

I think they should base the tax on the level of understanding each individual has about climate-related scientific issues. Kind of a test, and if you're ignorant about climate science, you should be taxed for that. Except that would be the end of the whole Kyoto and AGW scam, as they depend on people's ignorance to keep them going.

Anonymous said...

ti-guy, why don't you give us some evidence of the dollar figures of those Exxon grants and who they went to, or did you just make that up?

I'll take a page from Liberal Tactics 101. I believe that all the AGW support groups are funded by socialist organizations with their own hidden agenda.

Dante said...

The problem is Chris Allen is a fat, ugly, puerile choad. And that's not particularly Godly or Jesus-like, I'm sure you'd agree.

...you do have a point

Ti-Guy said...

ti-guy, why don't you give us some evidence of the dollar figures of those Exxon grants and who they went to, or did you just make that up?

If only there were some way for you to find out, eh? But I believe that requires research, information, facts and sound reason, all of which are known to be liberally biased, if not outright Marxist.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet Allen's scientific/meteorological credentials are far better than any of the regulars on this site.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For all you alarmist lefty believers who claim to have a scientific background, read this paper


and then summarize it for your idiot brethren. ti-guy, you'll just have to ask somebody to draw a picture for you.

Anonymous said...

I'll sum it up.

The IPCC essentially ignored 180 years of multitudes of DIRECT and accurate atmospheric CO2 measurements, in favour of cherry picking data from a small set of INDIRECT sources, which coincidentally matched their desired results.

I.E. Fraudulent data collection and manipulation is the ONLY way that you can link CO2 to temperature.

Anonymous said...

What's ti guy's preference in men? Not that there's anything wrong with that. Yada yada.

Saskboy said...

"In the coldest spell ever recorded"

Wow! It's almost like there's some kind of CHANGE in the CLIMATE that could explain something like a record temperature.