... I urge everyone to let their voices be heard in the CRTC's latest at controlling internet content. If you care about free speech, the CRTC must not be allowed to control anything. No doubt Richard Warman and his Human Rights Commission cohorts will be submitting their reasons for controlling us upstart hate mongering bloggers.
Oh well. They both start with a "C" and have four letters in 'em. What more resemblance do you need?
I doesn't look like this Kevin James wannabe even knows what the CRTC wants to do. It's just bad because he's been told it's bad and dagnabit, that's good enough for him.
Are you sure you haven't misunderstood this blogger's point (which he has not made clearly)? It seems to me his argument is that the CRTC is considering "x", and if right-thinking people do not make their voices heard, Warman and his CHRC-comrades will make a submission supporting "x".
I'm too busy reading Barbara Hall's latest OHRC blockbuster, "Fishing without Fear" to leave a longer comment, but BCL, the blogger is correct in referring to the CRTC.
Back to my (hilarious!) reading.
Buckets. No I am not sure. His point is stupid either way.
I was googling "Lawrence Solomon" the other day after seeing his embarrasing performance on TVO's The Agenda and came across this at Desmogblog.
Paul S: *tsk tsk*
He's not confusing the two. Read the sentence again.
You Idiot (bigcitylib),
I was pointing out the fact that Warman and his like will be petitioning the CRTC in favour of 'content regulation' because Warman is a free speech antagonist.
I don't see where I made it confusing.
thanks to buckets and raging ranter for being intelligent.
Robert McClelland,
I can think for myself, clearly you can't.
Kirk wrote:
"I was pointing out the fact that Warman and his like will be petitioning the CRTC in favour of 'content regulation' because Warman is a free speech antagonist."
Will they be? Petitioning an outfit dedicated to promoting Canadian Content? How would that help fighting white nationalists, pray tell?
Your explanation here was my interpretation B of your post. It isn't any less doltish than my Interpretation A (that you can't spell).
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