Sometimes, if you're a Canadian worried about environmental issues, its best to lie down next to the U.S. elephant and hope it rolls over.
Next up, the Americans green the tar sands for us.
Although Canada hasn't been entirely delinquent with respect to the polar bears...

Of course the so called greening of the oil sands is to support the US military industrial complex. Will little oil, military actions will continue to be necessary.
Way to cheer for the war mongers.
I guess if they shut down the oil sands . . . you can all walk to work . . . or do you even go to work?
By the way . . . there no problem with polar bears their populations are actually growing, in spite of what the enviro-whacks say . . . here's what a Cdn scientist said:
Dr. Mitchell Taylor, Manager, Wildlife Research Section, Department of Environment, Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada: “Our information is that 7 of 13 populations of polar bears in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (more than half the world’s estimated total) are either stable, or increasing …. Of the three that appear to be declining, only one has been shown to be affected by climate change. No one can say with certainty that climate change has not affected these other populations, but it is also true that we have no information to suggest that it has.”
[With] little oil, military actions will continue to be necessary.
Heh. Is this how you guys get brain-lock all the time?
Known oil reserves in the world today are 1.2 trillion barrels.
Back in the 80's the known reserves were about 250 billion barrels . . . no peak oil here.
The problem is one of delivery and processing. When it becomes less important for Cdns and Americans to humor the enviro-nuts . . . and more important to minimize inflation and increase productivity, we will start building refineries and drilling holes . . . when this happens oil will be 60 to 80 dollars a barrel again.
= . . . the so called greening of the oil sands is to support the US military industrial complex . . . =
Please tell me you aren't serious with that comment. If you are serious, then thanks for my laugh today.
OS, The idea of peak oil in general, and the notion that we have passed or are close to peak oil, is fairly well established among the poobahs in the oil industry
Heh. Is this how you guys get brain-lock all the time?
Whatever the hell that means.
Are your raving a sign that you are off your meds?
Please tell me you aren't serious with that comment
Of course not. We all know Iraq was all about Terrorism and weapons of mass destruction...right?
Are your raving[s] a sign that you are off your meds?
That's two comments now that's I've gently corrected. Are you off your meds?
that I've gently..
*sigh* It's karma when you make some type of error when issuing a grammar/spelling flame.
Maybe I am off my meds. Since I don't take any, it could be true.
= We all know Iraq was all about Terrorism and weapons of mass destruction...right? = - dante
Yeah. Americans invaded Iraq and have spent hundreds of billions of dollars so they can have the benefit of paying $124 for a barrel of oil. I like your logic.
Americans invaded Iraq and have spent hundreds of billions of dollars so they can have the benefit of paying $124 for a barrel of oil. I like your logic.
They never saw that coming, lil' Paul. Remember, the neocons, while they're acting, assume everything will work acccording to plan, and spend the rest of their lives explaining that it would have..."if only, if only, if only..."
Or they saw that coming, and lied about it. Certainly, the ones with ties to Big Oil can't be too upset these days.
Oooh. "Big Oil". I always get shivers down my spine when people capitalize it like that.
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