Re. the state of "hacked wifi" affair, in which CHRC employees used space-age technology in order to gain access to the wireless network of Nelly Hechme and visit neo-Nazi websites anonymously when they could have just crossed the street and done it from Starbucks.
After a month looking at the file, the Ottawa police have decided that its all really a matter for the RCMP (warning: link to Lemire). Guess we're looking at another whole month until the whole thing gets tossed.

I note from the link that "The Ottawa Citizen has called them (the CHRT) a “Kangaroo Court” and “Star Chamber”."
Of course anyone can call anything just about anything. Some people have even called the Ottawa Citizen a newspaper!
Looks good on them.
I note from the link that "The Ottawa Citizen has called them (the CHRT) a “Kangaroo Court” and “Star Chamber”."
Probably a good proportion of the "journalists" at the Two-Ply Double-Roll Ottawa Citizen are the online retards that grace us with their presence so often.
narrow back, you slope-headed stumpfuck, being under the jurisdiction of the RCMP rather than Ottawa police DOESN'T in any way indicate there's any validity to the complaint.
Reality Bites said...
narrow back, you slope-headed stumpfuck, being under the jurisdiction of the RCMP rather than Ottawa police DOESN'T in any way indicate there's any validity to the complaint.
Maybe it looks that way to a CHRC cheerleader. If this was as unfounded as you and your fellow groupies claim, they’d have blown it off without a thought.
Police are given a complaint. They investigate. They have an order and a method. Watch this one get tossed in a month or so.
If this was as unfounded as you and your fellow groupies claim, they’d have blown it off without a thought.
You stump-headed slope-fuck (or whatever it was RB called you); it doesn't matter if we *think* it has merit or not; no one will know for sure until it's properly investigated. I have absolutely no problem with that, although the RCMP remains a big question mark, for other reasons.
What is irritating (and dull) about you speechies is that you never recant your claims when you're wrong (very often and about very important things), but you certainly bray loudly when you're proven to be correct, no matter how insignificant the issues.
That's why we need the HRC's; to settle decisively your destructive, hateful, ignorant propaganda. It's either that or violence.
ti-guy said: It's either that or violence.
Doesn't that say it all? Agree with "us" (whoever that is, this week) or big brother will be beat you up.
Who's the "nazi"?
You're a sad excuse for man ti-guy - if you are one.
= Of course anyone can call anything just about anything. Some people have even called the Ottawa Citizen a newspaper! = - reality bites
Oh stop it rb. Just stop it!
My sides are splitting open I'm laughing so hard at your humour.
"Some people have even called the Ottawa Citizen a newspaper!"
ROFLMAO and then ROFLMAO again. You must be a secret comedic genius writing such incredibly funny stuff like that. How do you do it?
Doesn't that say it all? Agree with "us" (whoever that is, this week) or big brother will be beat you up.
That's not what I said. You have to be unconscious if you don't understand that if disputes cannot be resolved peacefully, they will be resolved through other means. It's incumbent upon everyone to remember that.
I do believe non-conservatives have to be more menacing, however, so...
Paul S, if you don't behave, I'm going to pull your hair.
ti-guy: "That's why we need the HRC's; to settle decisively your destructive, hateful, ignorant propaganda. It's either that or violence."
me: "Doesn't that say it all? Agree with "us" (whoever that is, this week) or big brother will be beat you up."
ti-guy: "That's not what I said. You have to be unconscious if you don't understand that if disputes cannot be resolved peacefully, they will be resolved through other means. It's incumbent upon everyone to remember that".
ti-guy: " to settle decisively your destructive, hateful, ignorant propaganda."
In other words, to shut me up so I won’t spread my “destructive, hateful, ignorant propaganda” By the way, how about an example of my “destructive, hateful, ignorant propaganda”? cue crickets...
Maybe this is what Freudians call “projecting”?
According to Sigmund Freud, projection is a psychological defense mechanism whereby one "projects" one's own undesirable thoughts, motivations, desires, and feelings onto someone else. It is a common process that every person uses to some degree.[3]
To understand the process, consider a person in a couple who has thoughts of infidelity. Instead of dealing with these undesirable thoughts consciously, he or she subconsciously projects these feelings onto the other person, and begins to think that the other has thoughts of infidelity and may be having an affair. In this sense, projection is related to denial, arguably the only defense mechanism that is more primitive than projection. Those who project deny a part of themselves that may otherwise come to the surface. In this case, they cannot face their own feelings of infidelity and therefore project them onto the other person.
ti-guy: "I do believe non-conservatives have to be more menacing, however, so..."
I can honestly say I don't know what my "label" is. Not a clue. Should I be "more menacing” too? Please advise.
In other words, to shut me up so I won’t spread my “destructive, hateful, ignorant propaganda”
This isn't really about you personally. I'm using *you* in the 2nd person plural. Anyway, not to shut up the purveyors of the hateful, ignorant propaganda (which no force on Earth can do, it appears), but to expose it and to expose the character of those purveying/supporting it (who, you will note, are serial liars who went from supporting "fweedom of speaches" to libel as easily as falling off a log).
It's up to them whether they choose to shut up or not.
I don't need a Freudian diagnosis ( one who takes mental illness or personality disorders/neuroses seriously quotes Freud anymore) to understand what destructive, hateful ignorant propaganda is. Check out BCL's post on Ezra Levant's "Muslim-normalisation of babushkas=child death" column, which ended up disappearing from a CanWest site (no human rights complaint required) because it was an example of horrific bigotry.
Should I be "more menacing” too?
Check out the commentary at rightwing/fwee speach venues every now and again when the topic of Muslims, first nations people and any number of other "undesirables" comes up. Take note of the eliminationist rhetoric. If you can be any more menacing than that, go for it.
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