Here's a statement from McI-- straight out of the horses' mouth:
Last week, I was contacted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (the Canadian federal police) who had been asked by UK police to locate a Stephen McIntyre. The Canadian policeman, who didn't seem to know much about the case, said that the UK police wanted to talk to me about whether there had been any misrepresentations of my articles. !!!! They also wanted to locate Andrew Weaver. I confirmed that I was the Stephen McIntyre in question and that I was prepared to talk to the UK authorities - expressing very clearly to the Canadian policeman my total disdain for the idea that this was police business. The inquiry in question presumably did not come from the Norfolk anti-terrorism detachment, as I'd already talked to them at considerable length and they knew how to contact me. I haven't heard anything further yet.
IMHO, FWIW, it's not Steve that's purloined 1,000s of personal emails from Phil Jones and Co. But it's almost certainly one (or more) of his readers; the the stolen documents all relate to issues McI has been obsessing over the years (Mann's work, Briffa's work, and etc.).
And I see from the above that McI is still hinting that this was the act of a whistle-blower from within CRU. Its worth noting (especially when you realize that U.K anti-terrorism people are involved in the investigation) that the cops don't buy it.

Simply points up how frantic the warmers (which include the entire British political establishment) have become. Six months on and they don't have a clue. When in reality it's probably the geek in the cubicle next to Jones'.
The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind very fine indeed.
Yes, they're still looking for Jack The Ripper.
Well most likely whoever leaked these e-mails is very much alive.... Let's look at it one way, what's better, trying to look for the truth, find out what really happen, or simply let gossips and innuendo fill the gap.
I've always enjoyed that how, after a few weeks of calling the emails "stolen" the denialists shifted gears and, without any further evidence, decided they were 'leaked' instead.
Of course, the issuing of the emails into the public domain is not what was damaging. It was the false spin the propagandists like Marc Morano placed on them.
Seriously, if what McIntyre says is true, then the questions that the Canadian police are asking him are pretty weird.
I wonder if the crack Mountie troops ever managed to find the reclusive and obscure Andrew Weaver, who somehow manages to be arguably Canada's best known climate scientist from his tiny log cabin hidden among the Athabaska pines.
While we're (sort of) on the subject of SwiftHack, here's a useless fact about
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