Hundreds of voters packed the Bowness Sportsplex Saturday to choose a new executive, just three months after most elected members of the riding association, many of whom wanted to see Anders challenged for his candidacy in the next federal election, resigned after having many of their powers stripped.
After 450 votes were cast, 28 members of Anders’ slate were elected to the board versus only two members of those hoping for new representation.
The story refers to a flyer distributed by the Anders Camp. It can be seen here in its entirety. My favorite bit:
Registration begins at 1:00. Upon registration, you will be given a Slate with a picture of myself with Prime Minister Harper. Beneath this picture, will be a list of the 30 true Conservatives who are running for the Board of Directors. Make sure to vote for all 30 candidates.
And the speaker at the AGM was, you guessed it, Rob Anders' loyalist and partner in defamation Ezra Levant.

A few months ago, some of our fellow bloggers ran for some Liberal council positions. I'm not sure which ones federally or provincially. Not even once did I hear anyone or read anything which stated that true liberals must vote for a particular candidate. One of the candidates did comment on the quality of his challengers, that any person elected would be good for the Liberal party.
As for the Conservatives, I don't know what makes a good Christian, uh I mean conservative. Actually, I used both Christian and conservative because some Christians and conservatives expect others to be pure in their beliefs.
Wow, so Anders declared a culture war within a Conservative riding association. Awesome.
Anders Anders,
He's our man.
If he can get elected,
Any dog can!
Say what you want, but Anders is wildly popular in his riding.
You realize that this all started as an attempted takeover of the riding association by a "feminist lawyer" with the help of the local Liberal candidate? That the candidate used her website to urge her fellow Liberals to take out Conservative Party memberships in a failed attempt to oust Rob Anders through deception and backstabbing rather than the honest, democratic way?
Not only has Rob Anders been winning his riding by large margins, he has increased his vote percentage almost every time. This failed attempt to undermine him by the local Liberals (with the help of a turncoat 'Conservative') is exactly why all candidates must be approved by Head Office...
If Rob Anders was so popular, why was there a mutiny in the first place?
Maybe it could be calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist; could be the time he spent the professional heckler for a Republican in the 1994 Oklahoma senator which got him called a foreign political saboteur; or the fact that in the Calgary Herald, Anders was called the worst MP. (And there's more, like the Wild Rose membership.)
Hey, if you want the guy, he's yours.
But could you stop yapping that Conservatives are more democratic.
You realize that this all started as an attempted takeover of the riding association by a "feminist lawyer" with the help of the local Liberal candidate?
Feminists can't be Conservatives?
sharonapple88, you forgot about the time when Anders showed up in front of a team of visiting Chinese diplomats wearing a 'Free Tibet' t-shirt. Now that's class! I'm sure the Conservatives of Calgary West riding must be proud.
Fred from BC - nice that you defend everyone who's part of the CPofC - even the obvious assholes. Why am I not surprised?
could be the time he spent the professional heckler for a Republican in the 1994 Oklahoma senator which got him called a foreign political saboteur;
Sorry, word soup there...
Could be the time he spent as a heckler for a Republican in the 1994 Oklahoma seantor race, which got him called a "foreign political saboteur."
sharonapple88, you forgot about the time when Anders showed up in front of a team of visiting Chinese diplomats wearing a 'Free Tibet' t-shirt.
Or the time he compared the Beijing Olympics to the 1936 Olympics held in Berlin. So many gaffs from Anders... it's hard to pick a few.
sharonapple88 said...
If Rob Anders was so popular, why was there a mutiny in the first place?
Well, being an MP is a pretty nice job if you can get it (pays well, good hours and an awesome pension plan...;). A better question is, why try to defeat someone who wins the riding by such large margins? Unless your personal ambition is more important than the good of the party?
Maybe it could be calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist;
Problem is, Nelson Mandela WAS a terrorist at one time. He has admitted as much...and his faction of the ANC was responsible for more than a few bombings and assassinations (all a matter of record, if you're interested). Now that Mandela has reformed, it's not politically correct to remind people of this fact, no. But not incorrect.
Hey, if you want the guy, he's yours.
We'll trade you for Hedy Fry.;)
Feminists can't be Conservatives?
Sure they long as they are really Conservatives, and not Liberals *pretending* to be Conservatives.
If you're going to try and hijack a riding association, fine. Just don't involve the opposition in your scheme, or head office will veto it.
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