fails to mention the
mysterious "Hugh Segal". He also fails to mention
McCarthy Tetrault, Philips and Vineberg, and others on
this list of Islamic History Month Board of Advisers who
claim to be lawyers. But of course, if they were Islamist sympathizers, they would, wouldn't they?
But its OK; the witch hunt can be extended easily enough!
Where does the Imam Delic stand on Iran?
Do you think Iranian Jews living in Tehran live better conditions than Palestinians?
Iranian elections, clampdown on protests?
The Canadian government is very clear on the "facts" presented by the Iranian leader, human right abuses, refusal to recognize dual citizenship, the murder of a female Canadian citizen.
Does leader of Iran fund extremists groups, deny the genocide against Jews?
Can you point out the articles where this Canadian organization denounces the actions of the Iranian political class and the treatment of its own citizens.
What Omar said.
CS is fine with free speech ...so long as it's Ann Coulter telling Muslims to go 'fly on their magic carpets', or Ezra making defamatory statements about European billionaire philanthropists.
When its anyone supporting Palestinians in the occupied territories ...they must be banned.
Nice free-speecher you are there CS.
I think freedom of speech means just that. Coulter, Galloway, Imam Delic, you, me, hell even Ezra making an ass of himself and getting sued (because he can't tell where freedom of speech ends and defamation law-suits begin) should all be able to say what they want. If anyone incites violence or makes hateful comments towards a certain group we have strong laws in this country to deal with that. Likewise a strong light needs to be thrown on those getting close to the borderline as well.
Because you are boring me.
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