1) Kathy Shaidle is not a conservative. She's a racist. The evidence for that is overwhelming. Mr Paiken and the writers at the G&M do conservatives no favours by eliding the distinction.
2) I have no problem with anyone attempting to deny Ms. Shaidle a pay-cheque or a soap-box, and I'd like to think I've got her tossed out of a venue or two in my time. My taxes pay Mr. Paiken's salary, and it appalls me that he would use them to promote trash on TVO.
3) WK is talking about taking this case to the Ontario Press Council. I say do it. Pigs don't regulate themselves.

Exactly! It's not that Kinsella is objecting that Paiken allowed a conservative blogger to speak on his show. It's that taxpayer's money was spent to give a big fat pig of a racist airtime on a public broadcaster. Damned straight Warren should take this to the Press Council.
My guess is that the OPC would view the Globe's "clarification" as sufficient redress.
And speaking of the Globe, perhaps it's appropriate that a Corner Brook journo picked up on the latest Wente stuff:
Good job, JFP.
I wonder about the original incident. Did Paiken know that Shaidle was a racist? Did Kinsella provide Paiken with actual evidence of Shaidle's racism, or did he just accuse her of racism without backing it up?
Knowing that Kinsella has been a political operative, why would Paikin be expected to believe him without independent confirmation?
Holly, WK wasn't the only one peeved about this. I both called and emailed TVO and Paiken's producer (I think it was) and sent them a nice list of quotes from Ms. Shaidle.
Did Kinsella provide Paiken with actual evidence of Shaidle's racism, or did he just accuse her of racism without backing it up?
Click Warren's account. If he's telling the truth, he did.
"I provided Mr.Paikin and others at TVO with information about Ms. Shaidle, comprised of cited racist statements ultimately taken from her web site: http://shaidletheracist.blogspot.com/2009/02/file-section-13-complaint-against.html. Many other citizens wrote to TVO to similarly voice their objections."
The accusation that Shaidle is a racist is pretty much well-known. Google Kathy Shaidle... the selection "Kathy Shaidle racist" is often the second choice on its prompt, often coming before "Kathy Shaidle Blog."
now you know how we feel about the daily racist/global warming/multikulti anti conservative onslaught the CBC spews out.
fun eh ?
in the words of a famous Lieberal . . .
Double Nickel . . . BLOW ME :)
Gawd this is fun having a four year long majority.
Fred, can you provide evidence that the CBC is biased against the Conservatives?
Fred can't do that any more than he can prove he's stopped banging his mother.
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