A formal ban would kill that cursed pipeline; an informal ban suggests opposition to it but plays about with semantics. Nevertheless, its a start.
Nevertheless, this should also lay down a marker for the other LPoC leadership potentials. The Libs should stand with B.C. and against Northern Gateway (and opposed to Alta., where they have no hope anyhow).

The Libs should stand with B.C. and against Northern Gateway (and opposed to Alta., where they have no hope anyhow).
So it is to be the old Liberal tactics of regional division then. So much for Liberal renewal.
What game do you think the Tories are playing, demonizing BC opposition to the pipeline?
Micheal you've got to be kidding. The Harperites have been playing the divide and conquer game for over 6 years. Wake up.
What do you mean by "win in BC"? They'll be lucky if they can hold on to their two seats.
When Hedy retires they'll lose Vancouver Centre, unless they can get Julie Andrews to replace her.
The Liberals are dead in BC ouside of those two ridings and a couple of others in Greater Vancouver.
Look how easy Liz May made winning Saanich look - the Liberals made a huge effort in that riding in the previous election, had a star environmental candidate, Dion's environmental credibility, and the NDP candidate dropped out of the race, but they couldn't overcome the Liberal brand.
Micheal you've got to be kidding. The Harperites have been playing the divide and conquer game for over 6 years. Wake up.
Riggggghhhhht.......and the Liberals never played that game, over and over again? So now when the game is played and your team is sitting out, why, thats different. YOU wake up.
What game do you think the Tories are playing, demonizing BC opposition to the pipeline?
The same game that is being played when Alberta "tar sands" gets demonized with every breath by the Opposition. Don't just hate the players, don't just hate the game, but hate the fact that the Liberals aren't the ones in position to make the more effective plays any more? Please.
Lenny, your heads up your ass. May won a riding where the thre eprogressive parties split the vote enough that the CPoC guy (Lunn?) got in time after time. May won by virtue of consolidating enough of the vote from the other progressive parties. Being Green Party Leader, and a Canadian institution, helped. Believe me none of the CPoC seats are a lock if they push Northern Gateway
Tar sands has been the name of the place for a hundred years, Michael.
And its not me that's waking up, its BC, which used to be part of what folks called "The West" until Alberta started screwing its fellow Western provinces over.
OK, I admit I need to work on my social skills. Will try harder not to get personal. Cheers,.
Exactly. May consolidated the vote where the Liberals failed to with Briony Penn, a well know and respected candidate, in an election in which the NDP candidate dropped out.
I most of BC the Liberals are fighting it out the the Marxist-Leninists and Christian-Heritagers.
In my riding(Vancouver Island North) in 2008 the Liberals ran a college student from down island who visited the riding a couple of times to erect a hand full of (badly)hand-painted signs. In the last election the Liberals found a real candidate and went all out, running what I thought was the best campaign in the riding. They even had real signs! The effort allowed them to slip past the Green Party candidate by a couple dozen votes and grasp 3rd place with fully 5% of the popular vote.
The Conservatives are going to get hammered over Gateway, but the Liberals won't be the winners.
"The West" in a political sense has mostly been a term used by the right (and usually Albertans) to try and present BC and the flat places as one rightwing monolith. But it's never been true. A majority of British Columbians have always supported progressive parties, and BC and Alberta are about as different as any two Provinces in the country.
So, party politics aside, d'you agree that we BCers should fight the blue eyed shiekhs until our last breath?
Blue-eyed shieks? Harper's beneficiaries who are holding Canada's oily soil are brown-eyed friends of Iran and North Korea. Harper has shown no shame in leading the sell-off of Canada to China, still pretending that he's some champion of human rights while using the energy edge to bludgeon dually elected governments in Washington and elsewhere. Nice to see Conbot Mikey spitting out the same-old mirror defence -- look at the perty mountains! Can't see that he's naked behind his faux attacks. Lametard.
We're keeping our vacation schedule free should it be necessary to man the barricades.
Well, as an Albertan myself, I think that the real Harpercon Achilles heel is the West. This is one area where the Harpercon's suffer under a genuinely massive blind-spot. In contrast to many of their lies, which they know to be lies, these idiots actually think that they are not only Alberta, but even the West. So they are completely incapable of dealing with dissent against their particular line in BC, or Saskatchewan or Manitoba, for that matter, because they have never come to terms with the fact that dissent in the West is even possible; and they are driven to absolute rage when I suggest that there are Albertan who wouldn’t vote for those rancid semen sacks if they were the only ones on the ballot. Remember Harper claiming that the only people who vote for the Liberals in Western Canada are immigrants and transplanted Easterners . But the key to attacking them is not, as under Martin and Ignatiev, to pander to the Alberta oil patch (they already own the Harpercons) but to stand up against those arrogant piles of manure.
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