This would be cool. Iggy gets his gold watch and a one-way bus back ticket to Harvard, and all LPoC Members--not just delegates to some booze and decadence soaked convention--get to choose his successor. Which will be a less exciting process than you might think, because nobody will apply for the job but Bob Rae.
Coalition Leader Layton ditches that silly "O Canada" for "In-A-Gadda_Da-Vida" or maybe, if he's old school, "Your Land Is My Land" by Woody Guthrie. And flat-bed trucks full of teamsters patrol the streets, distributing free beer.
Mind you, at the moment I am still
predicting a larger Tory Minority. But a guy can dream.
Provided the Conservatives don't get a majority, not a bad outcome, all considered.
BCL: would you really be happy with Layton as PM supported by the Liberals?
Wouldnt that cement the fact that the NDP has surpassed the Liberals as the lefty party of choice?
Strategically, if I were a Liberal and that Ekos projection holds true (I highly doubt it), I would prefer to have Iggy or whatever interim leader support the Conservatives for a year or so.
If Layton is ever PM, he may either screw up very badly, in which case the NDP would return to its semi-fringe status, or he may be competent enough that he, and the NDP would gain enormously in stature just for having been in government.
If Layton is ever PM, he may either screw up very badly, in which case the NDP would return to its semi-fringe status, or he may be competent enough that he, and the NDP would gain enormously in stature just for having been in government.
It'll be interesting seeing the NDP in government. They've already revised some of their their platform. First on the amount of money from cap and trade. Then Layton's gone back a bit on re-opening the constitution -- now it's when they get "reasonable chances of success" (in other words never). At this rate, they'll probably be indistinguishable from the Liberals in a few day's time. ;D
Jerome Bastien said...
Strategically, if I were a Liberal and that Ekos projection holds true (I highly doubt it), I would prefer to have Iggy or whatever interim leader support the Conservatives for a year or so.
Oh my, are you suggesting that Harper form a coalition with the Liberals to hang on to power? Isn't he against any formal coalitions? You know, in coalition government there has to be give and take between the partners, and Harper's never been able to play with the other children.
I don't see this working, especially with the Harper war machine relentlessly smearing the past two LPC leaders like you did, as there's very little good will to the CPofC these days. More than likely they'll support the NDP just to screw over Harper.
Oh, and enjoy the hard-left NDP government if this comes to being ...serves you right for vilifying the moderates.
More than likely they'll support the NDP just to screw over Harper.
Would the Liberals intentionally hurt themselves to hurt Harper? Wow, who knew the Liberals were full of hate like that?
Oh, and enjoy the hard-left NDP government if this comes to being ...serves you right for vilifying the moderates.
I'll be just fine, thank you. It's the poor who will suffer from NDP policies and their aftermath. And, am I reading this right, but you're blaming me for the vilification of the Liberals? Im no fan of the Liberals, but I doubt I have that much influence.
Polling of this nature would lead many in my riding (which is a battle between the Conservatives and Liberals) to vote Conservative. They'd rather have a financially responsible government than one that is seen as the opposite and in that riding they would be concerned with the NDP being hostile to Israel. Voters who think that the Liberals are financially responsible and not hostile to Israel while also being socially liberal (unlike the Conservatives) but who think the choice really is between the Conservatives and the NDP may well go Conservative.
A gold watch? Considering the miserly base which comprises the Liberal party, Iggy will be lucky if he gets a second-hand Timex.
And this talk of the NDP with 100 seats injects some much needed humour into the campaign.
Free beer! Damn! Had I known that, I would have voted NDP at the advance poll instead of Green!
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