Friday, January 13, 2012

Ethical Oil Pot-Pourri

Ethical Oil shares a mailing address with Tony Clement's old campaign office.

Also, note this statement from their "About Ethical Oil" page:

The median size of our donations to date is $38.

This is quite clever.  Lets say you have three donations: $1.00, $38.00, and $100,000.  The average size of your donations comes in at a little more $33.000; their median size is...$38.00!  I should not that the "average" is by far the more commonly used measure of central tendency.  So, a good way to not quite lie about the kind of money you are raking in?


double nickel said...

Nice catch. Maths is hard for most people :)

bigcitylib said...

Actually, that was pointed out to me offline.

bigcitylib said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bigcitylib said...

Mind you, I did understand the SIGNIFICANCE of the mathy bit when it was pointed out.

b_nichol said...

After watching Kathryn Marshall's performance on Power & Politics over here:
I can claim with certainty two things:
Ethical Oil is an astroturf group, and
Enbridge is a major contributor.

Frunger said...

Correct me if I'm wrong here but they aren't a registered charitable organization and don't have to disclose any donation information. It would seem to me that anything they provide is more than you are entitled to.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree that they're "not quite lying." The intent is to decieve which is just another form of lying.

Anonymous said...

Who said otherwise, Frunger?

Holly Stick said...

They are registered in Alberta has a nonprofit group I think.

Deep Climate has a new must-read post about them:

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is back in June 2011, Velshi claimed the median donation was $20-25.

Hmmm, I see Holly Stick has already spread the word about my latest revelations about Conservative- Ethical Oil connections.

Dr.Dawg said...

This is seriously fine work, and your next post too. Chapeau!

HumbleSky said...

Rhetoric strikes again. Good thing people are paying attention.