O yea, O yea, O yea, court is in session. First up, motion to adjourn. At this rate, we'll hear opening statements next year.
— Joseph Brean (@JosephBrean) January 6, 2014
Ezra Levant has been trying to get a new lawyer since October. Christopher Ashby, his lawyer of record, is beside him. No explanation.
— Joseph Brean (@JosephBrean) January 6, 2014
Khurrum Awan opposes the adjournment. Judge says he has "significant justification" to throw away his costs.
— Joseph Brean (@JosephBrean) January 6, 2014
Brian Shiller says his client Mr. Awan "vigorously opposes" adjournment. "We were ready to go [last fall]," he said. Ready again now.
— Joseph Brean (@JosephBrean) January 6, 2014
Same nonsense Ezra tried in Vigna v. Levant. Lets hope the judge doesn't allow it.
Update: Crap, he did! But he seems to dinged The Ez for some dough:
Update: Crap, he did! But he seems to dinged The Ez for some dough:
Levant trial adjourned to March 3. Cost him a few bucks. Iain MacKinnon, known for media work in the Rob Ford follies, is his new counsel.
— Joseph Brean (@JosephBrean) January 6, 2014

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