Sunday, January 26, 2014

Gruending: Our Prime Minister Is A Christian Zionist

Dennis Gruending discusses the PM's trip to Israel, with an account of some of the folks in his entourage that contains information I was not aware of.  A brief flavor:

Finally, there was the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem — Canada, which is not really an embassy at all but a conservative Christian group whose main reason for being is to provide support for Israel.

Take it away, Dennis.


131220 said...

I suppose Harper had to appease the zealots since he has refused to directly address the christian right's insistence on repealing women's rights to terminate their pregnancies.

bigcitylib said...

Offering crumbs while withholding the loaf.

Anonymous said...

I never support very much of what Harper does but he did give 100 million dollars to the people of Jordan who I know need our help as Canadians. Money is one thing and it a good start. What we have to do is open our hearts, our homes and our nation to them and relieve their suffering. Canada could certainly open her heart to many countries around the world, especially in Africa. We need to show these suffering people that we care. There is certainly enough wealth in Canada to go around the world. there is certainly enough room and wealth in Canada to give these people a chance at a new life.