The 17 men who allegedly planned to bomb targets in southern Ontario are symbols of hatred seeking to tear apart Canada's "diverse and democratic society," Prime Minister Stephen Harper told the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce.
"Let us never forget that such people today, as in the past, may make use of the symbols of a culture or a faith, but they speak for neither," Mr. Harper told the chamber's annual awards ceremony on Saturday night. "They represent nothing but hatred."
Can we all just try to remember that these guys have not been tried yet, certainly have not been found guilty of anything, and as such are symbols of nothing? It's one thing for a bunch of hacks, who need to crap out a few hundred words for their next column, to speculate irresponsibly. It is another thing entirely for the Prime Minister to make statements that will be reported across the nation and may, therefore, render a fair trial for these guys impossible. We do want to put the correct people in jail for the correct crimes, right? Not just any Muslim will do, right?
Keep it in your pants, Stephen.

word up homie!
Nicely put.
and those folks gave him a standing ovation for saying that.
God forbid, not in Canada
Annymouse ~ They don't hate us for being Canadian. They hate us for electing a government that is trashing their grandparent's country and killing their cousins' children.
I'm surprised you'd talk about the Liberals that way, Penny. :P
Mona said....
Actually, Anonymous...."they" (all 17 of them) ARE Canadian. See, that's why the "home grown" label is a thread running through all the press it was through all of the coverage of the British tube bombings last year.
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