But there seems to be a meme floating around the right-wing blogosphere, Canadian Division, that since Maj. Hess-von Kruedener was working for the U.N., he was not serving Canada...that he was in fact working for the Enemies of Canada.
I think this is disgraceful, nauseating, the kind of thing that is likely to make the broad mainstream of Canadian opinion think you're some kind of ignorant goober from the foothills outside of Buttfuck Alta. that can't be trusted with the keys to power (read about the new Decima poll results here ).
And it certainly dishonors Maj. Hess-von Kruedner's sacrifice.
But is it treason?
While my readers ponder this question, I shall be patrolling Blogging Tory websites to see if I can get them to bend over and modify their rhetoric.
Cheers on a Rainy Friday,

I think you're getting desperate again BLC profaning people in part of the country you don't much like, and making up stuff, to wit: The Janke piece to which you link makes no mention of "treason" or the UN as "enemies of Canada". It simply and calmly reiterates the ovbvious facts that Kofi kept unarmed observers in a war zone, and Hezzy was conducting military operations too close to the UN post (confirmed in an email from Kruedener to Mackenzie); and questions Canada's participation in future UN lead missions. That's hardly treason Bubba, it's called open and frank discussion, not a liberal trait I'll agree.
Last time I checked, it's your party that's outside Canadian mainstream opinion...look at the recent polls out that show Canadians support both Israel and the Tory government's support of Israel.
Now, I know in inner-city TO - the centre of the universe to you and your pals - that this may not be the case, but thankfully most Canadians are smarter than that.
That's why I linked to the latest Decima polls which show Tory support fading, anon. Learn to click at least.
the real issue is not treason, it is appeasement . . in the finest Liberal traditions.
Here's what appeasement gets you.
Green Light
July 28, 2006
URL: http://www.nysun.com/article/36948
President Ahmadinejad has returned from his oil-weapon meetings in Central Asia to his bunker in Tehran and has given the green light to Damascus to escalate the Lebanon front by launching long-range missiles into Tel Aviv. Syria and Hezbollah have been told they are to fight on with the certain expectation that Israel will respond to the escalation by bombing Syria's strategic sites and its supply lines into Lebanon. Iran has also told Syria that it expects — hopes — this phase of the campaign will draw in the American warplanes and logistics.
In Beirut, the spiritual leader of Hezbollah, Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, has issued a fatwa forbidding the entry of international troops or authorities into Lebanon. This means that the prospect of an imposed ceasefire from the United Nations Security Council or from NATO is now minimal or impossible, since any blue helmets or peacekeepers, Muslim or not, will be resisted as if they were Israeli or American occupiers.
In Damascus, the Assad regime has prepared itself for an epochal war that will transform the Syrian culture into a martial cult such as was achieved under the current president's father, the late Hafez al-Assad. President Bashar al-Assad; his brother Mahor, of the presidential guard; his brother-in-law, Assef Shawqat, head of the intelligence forces; and most especially the steely, pharmacist sister, Dr. Bushra al-Assad, all want the coming fight with Israel and America to create a band of brothers that will lead Syria for another two generations. The Assads recall 1967 and 1973 not as strategic defeats but as spiritually liberating events that empowered the Assad regime in the ummah. Syria is resolved, well armed, fatalistic, and inspired by the wealth of Iran, the allegiance of the Iraqi Baathists, the strategic support of Kurdistan, Turkey, Lebanon.
What this all means right now is that Iran can and will continue to resupply Hezbollah on the Lebanon front with arms, ammunition, special forces, sophisticated logistics, an intelligence apparatus, and the long-range Katyushas and missiles that pepper Israel. The supply routes from Iran to Syria are not only air lanes but also overland trucking on tribal routes through Turkey and Kurdistan. Turkey knows this and knows this is tacit support of the Hizbollah and Syria. More striking is that the Kurds in northern Iraq, ostensibly America's strongest ally in the liberation and democratization of Iraq, are openly cooperating with the Iranian military convoys. The Kurds have made a deal with Tehran that looks to the future and the establishment of an independent, oil-rich Kurdistan.
The Kurds aim to drive out or massacre the minority Turkmen in their territory, and they know this will be a casus belli for Turkey. The Kurds will need Iran for an ally and also for a transportation route to get their oil to market.
The Russians must certainly know that Iran is using Turkey and Kurdistan in their war effort, and the Russians have presumably made a decision not to interfere in any fashion with their Caspian Sea neighbor and commercial partner Iran. More puzzling is how al-Maliki and the Shia/Kurd dominated government in Baghdad might not know of the resupply. Did Maliki stand next to President Bush in a joint news conference knowing that the Shia of Iraq are not only cheering the Hezbollah in Lebanon but also that Iraq is an ally of Iran and Syria in the fight?
The resupply from Iran is profound because Hezbollah could not have sustained the fight past the first days without the certainty of endless weaponry and ammunition. The Lebanon war plan is to escalate a step at a time, and this requires the discipline of a confident, well-led, well-connected force.
Iran will not turn off the flow. And the rearming of Lebanon through Syria also includes the very latest, best Russian and Chinese origin equipment, including the SA-18 shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile, Sagger and Kornet antitank missiles, at least one battery of Silkworm anti-ship missiles, and multiple combinations of Zelzal-2 missiles and Fajr-3,5 rockets that can easily reach Tel Aviv and, with smaller warheads, much farther, to Jerusalem. A decision to strike Jerusalem has not been announced. Nonetheless, high-explosive warheads are poised to strike civilian populations: at least one Scud-type missile has already been found underwater in Haifa harbor.
Iran is committed to its war aim to draw America directly into the fighting. At present, Israel has no plan to bomb beyond Syria. But the logic of the supply lines points to interdiction in Iraq and Turkey and in Iran, itself. Iran believes that when America comes into the fighting, Iran can use the American troops in Iraq as tactical targets and strategic hostages. Iran wants America to strike in force at Tehran and the strategic sites on the southern coast. Iran is desperate to give battle. It believes that America cannot manage a crisis in an election year (e.g., 1980), and that the United Nations Security Council will impose a ceasefire quickly. At that point, Ahmadinejad and the Partisans of the Mahdi will emerge from their deep and hard sites to survey their empire, smoldering, famished, grieving, but victorious over the American crusaders, stretching from the Hindu Kush to the Mediterranean and the ruins of Israel.
I saw you comment in the same post that I did, and Steve never made those accusations. He did question Canadas continuation of the UN peacekeeping missions, but the insinuation of anything that could be classified as treasonous was done in comments to that post, and not by Steve himself.
I do not think it is fair that you attributed the accusations in the comments to Steve directly as they were done by people who commented on his post, not in his post itself.
Sorry for the repetition. I had to answer a phone call halfway through and ended up repeating myself when I had already made my point in the first paragraph.
"I think this is disgraceful, nauseating, the kind of thing that is likely to make the broad mainstream of Canadian opinion think you're some kind of ignorant goober from the foothills outside of Buttfuck Alta."
What kind of disgusting bigotry is this? Have you decided to diversify your rants from your simple anti-Jew stance? Albertans generally outscore other Canadians in test results.
Tory support fading? Aren't we 6 points up on you bums? Will keeping us from a majority next time around be a victory to you? Is that how low the Liberal bar has gotten?
I guess when you look at the quality of the leadership candidates, that does make sense...
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