As you know, I post on GW-related issues alot, and I've attempted in my own small way to penetrate the goings on of The Friends of Science, a Calgary based group of "enviro-skeptics" who have been in the news alot since the recent election. Well, in several posts on DeSmogBlog, they "follow the money" and manage to unearth a set of deep ties between the Friends and the Canadian Conservative Party. In another, it is revealed that one of the Members of the FOS, Dr. Fred Seitz, spent the 1970s and 1980s manufacturing fake reports for the tobacco industry claiming that there was still some debate over whether tobacco was a proven danger to health.
All very good stuff. In fact, probably worth visiting regularly.
BigCityLib says so, so it is so.

Thanks for the link to Friends of Science, BCL, I would add a link to Junk Science:
The "scientific consensus" you and others like to refer to is simply 'group think' redux. Similar to the 1970s when the great climate minds told us we were headed for global cooling and the next ice age.
Since most climate 'experts' today work for government funded universities and reaserch labs you might "follow the money" and unearth the ties between
their work and leftist governments and their agencies.
One fact hardly mentioned is that the main beneficiaries of the Kyoto accord are the Russians and east Europeans, the later group who are now joining the EU. Having demolished their own economies under a half century or more of socialism they are in a position to make a fortune by selling "carbon credits" to to west (read: US, Canada, Aus, etc). 'Old Europe' are no growth economies due to their high tax regimes, including $2 per litre gasoline prices, and would be quite happy to see N America reined in.
The facts are that climate change has occured since the beginning of time on earth, man made CO2 accounts for only a few percentage points of greenhouse gases and is easily swamped by natural effects of sun radiation, water vapour, naturally occuring volcanic activity and methane seeps. There are times in earth's history when the climate was much cooler than today and much warmer than today. It is pure human arrogance to think that this time is different and the cause is us.
the same fools the brought us "the next ice age" on the 70's is now flogging Kyoto "Humans did it" now.
And BCL is the biggest fool of all . .
Kyoto. . anothe ponzi scheme invented by the morons at the UN. Saddam's "Oil for Palaces & Weapons" was a start, so they invented "Kyoto - the Money for Smog" and assholes liek Jean Cretin & the rest of the criminals in the LPC signed us up for teh program with a clue as to what it was, what it costs and whta it will and will not do.
Big City Liberals, small town Liberals . . .all Stupid douche bags drinking the same moronic Kyotot Kool Aid
Thank God for PMSH.
How is it that the
How is it that those on the fringe and outliers ever monopolized the term "junk science?" It was a nice coup and set them up to appear (somehow) in the mainstream.
So the environment is falling out of the Liberal column and into the Tory column - so I have it at Harper 42, Liberals 0.
The left has lost so much credibility here...after Martin's dismal failure on Kyoto, and now Dion and Iggy both admit we couldn't meet the targets even if we wanted.
And this is before the Tory plan this October that will surely be a hit with the public.
Poor Liberals. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch, though.
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