...C-47, the other half of lawful access came up for second reading. This part of the bill is particularly problematic is it raises the prospect of mandatory disclosure of personal information without a warrant and requires ISPs to install new surveillance capabilities on their networks.
The Liberals adopted the "what took you so long" position, with MPs Dan McTeague and Andrew Kania pledging their support and asking why it took so long to bring the bill to the House.
In brief, the bill will allow police to demand that an IP hand over your personal information without a warrant. Furthermore,
...there is not even a requirement for the commission of a crime to justify access to personal information without a warrant.
Apparently the Libs were pushing a generally similar bill a few years back (a fact that will surely be brought up by proponents of the new law), but this one goes even further in that it adopts "an exceptionally broad definition of customer name and address information".
I would urge readers to take in all of the Geist article--contrast especially NDP MP Don Davies measured response to Conservative taunting over this bill (Its for the children! Why do you hate children?) with the Libs knee-jerk "metoo-ism".
Poor Libs. These days they fight when they should make a deal, and they run when they should fight. You'd think that Iggy and Co. would have figured out that appealing to Conservative voters hasn't worked, and that they are now in danger of losing a good portion of their own base. Maybe Ms. Krieber should save a place for me on the other side of the aisle.

To be fair the Liberal caucus and executive felt MI and halting any democratic leadership was in the best interest of the party.
It took less than 72 hours to remove the grassroots from the LPOC leadership.
Why do you think the "new" team will be any different?
As long as the Polls show weakness the propping by the Liberals or the NDP will take place.
Principle or Policy at best are for another time.
The Liberals lost me at Iggy's coronation.
I was heartened somewhat by the better fundraising of late, but to what ends? I think the money flows to the Liberals when they align closer with the 'establishment.'
These days, might as well label them 'Conservative', if you ask me.
Maybe Ms. Krieber should save a place for me on the other side of the aisle.
I don't know what you stubborn progressive liberals are waiting for. Having the New Democrats ahead of the Liberals in the polls would would take the heat off them and give them a chance to actually rebuild. Besides that, most of you have more in common with the NDP than the Liberals.
BCL.. my primary reason to change my vote from Liberal to PC was the gun registry. Even though I've never owned a gun.
This Bill may be my "Gun Registry" event for the PC Party.
Problem is, I have no one to support who opposes the bill.
If the LPC succesfully stood up agains this bill, I would probably vote Liberal.
I think it's that serious (see my blog today).
And just a comment.. from my own blog. Once government obtains license to do something for a specific reason, their tendancy is to expand that license for less compelling reasons.
Witness random arrest and detention to check for impaired driving. That was authorized by our Courts because of the carnage on our highways from drunk drivers. We now have arbitrary detention to check for seatbelts.
Think about that.. and ask yourselves, what else might the government not like me looking at?
I completely agree with McClelland (pauses to wash mouth out with soap). I have long believed we need a two Party system in this country, a center-right Party and a Labour-cum-Marxist Party. The Liberals lost their chance to be the center-right Party forty years ago with the election of the Trudeau/Chretien gang.
The LPC will soon go the way of the Liberal Party in Britain.
"I don't know what you stubborn progressive liberals are waiting for."
I look silly in a beret and can't stand woody guthrie.
I completely agree with McClelland (pauses to wash mouth out with soap).
Typical Conservative trash. No real principles.
A Conservative could tell me the sky is blue and I wouldn't agree.
I don't know what you stubborn progressive liberals are waiting for.
I wish it were that simple that you could switch parties and find one that's more honest or principled. Liberals screw over issues for votes, but it's not as though the NDP are immune from this behaviour (There's carbon tax and the long gun registry) or the Conservatives (balanced budgets, the Senate, open and honest government -- the Parliamentry Budget Office was created by the Conservatives, but they've been at way with it almost from the start). I'm not cynical enough to say that there's no difference between the parties, but that on the principled thing -- none of them will sacrifice votes over an issue.
Yeah the NDP know how to sell out as much as anyone.
I have long believed we need a two Party system in this country, a center-right Party and a Labour-cum-Marxist Party.
Yeah, that's what we need, to swing back and forth between two extremes. One government builds, and then when the next one gets into power they dismantle. Or worse both parties edging ever so together that on some issues they're indistinguishable.
I just know the NDP would have no idea how to deal with the corporate oligarchies that are permanently allied against them and would tear them to bits. They'd just stand there, like deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.
That's what they need the Liberals for...to do the dirty work. If that disappears, they're just going to become Tony Blair's Third Way...at best. Or the Democratic Party...*barf*
I have long believed we need a two Party system in this country, a center-right Party and a Labour-cum-Marxist Party.
That's because you can't handle the idea than an issue can have more than two sides. Because you're stupid.
Does anyone really care what FrankD thinks? At least he's kinda on topic this time.
Ah, I love the sound of the LPC in death throes.
Yeah the NDP know how to sell out as much as anyone.
I don't begrudge them that because it's politics. What sort of bugs me is when a party takes a "holier than thou" stand on this.
"Ah, I love the sound of the LPC in death throes."
It's great when assholes get this arrogant. Their fall is often spectacular. Though Im guessing FrankD bags groceries for a living so the fall may not be higher than a car fender.
I wish it were that simple that you could switch parties and find one that's more honest or principled.
It is that simple. The federal NDP is more honest and principled* than either the Conservatives or Liberals. Whether or not this is simply a result of never having tasted power is something that can only be determined once they've tasted it.
*Note: I'm not saying they have halos over their heads.
Though Im guessing FrankD bags groceries for a living so the fall may not be higher than a car fender.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that the assholes are restricted to the lower socio-economic class.
Quite the opposite, in fact. I wouldn't be surprised if FrankD is an investment banker, or a real estate agent, or an advertising executive, or, of course, a lawyer or an engineer.
Whether or not this is simply a result of never having tasted power...
It is. End of story.
It is. End of story.
It's true. It's not so much that power corrupts as it is that power attracts corrupt people. If a party has a chance at power, it will attract assholes.
I think that's true of a lot activities these days; that success increasingly requires assholism more than anything else.
It was bad enough when careerism and naked ambition was what it took. Now it's out-and-out sociopathy.
It is. End of story.
Oh hush up Ti-Guy. You're just prejudiced against the NDP; which is odd considering you're more politically aligned with them.
TG is an angry fascist.
BCL is correct as his Rob Harvie over the state acting to grow it's power MUST be checked.
Sadly NO Federalist PARTY in opposition is interested is Less STATE control or centralized power. *Bloc excluded
The NDP/Lib should have NO problem reforming their coalition to stop this Bill.
Let's hope they are not chickens to stop this BAD Bill.
English CS, English. You think we're teasing, but we do it out of love. You write like my dog.
that dog won't hunt
or vote liberal either.
Done LPOC, "trashbin"
Give Jack or Gilles a call, best of luck
You're just prejudiced against the NDP; which is odd considering you're more politically aligned with them.
No, I'm not. I'm not a rabid anti-capitalist, I believe in more transparency, not necessarily regulation, I'm not against trade, I think identity politics is retarded and I think we should have the smallest, leanest government for what we expect it to do.
English CS, English. You think we're teasing, but we do it out of love. You write like my dog.
She just runs her original comment..written in New High Bitch...through Babel Fish and posts it here.
Ah Canadiansense, showing that flavour of bitterness that screams Ex Mrs Ignatieff...
Maybe you can find a Harper lookalike to date.
c-47 like the Gun Registry will be adopted by the Liberals because?
How many YEARS have the Liberals propped up the CPC and number of votes?
Stop blaming us for your party's lack of alternative policy or back bone.
Man, that divorce must have been bitter.
Wow what conjecture from the Oakville Crackpot. You aren't the most modest person are you?
Poor clowns suffering from delusion about your political party. Angry, powerless and flaccid.
Your party is hitting 23% and you are stuck with gender, divorce posts, lol you two are pathetic?
How sad for your two mental midgets. We suck, we are losing support, let's insult the winning team....
Will the LPOC be making it 81 votes in support of the CPC?
Another year of CPC, compliments of Donolo, Iffy or until Polls break above 35%?
Wow Oakville Crackpot, you are more delusional than I first thought. I was making fun of you not the "ruling party".
What bizarre rhetoric and self-reference that you utilize. Is your caseworker aware that you refer to yourself as "the ruling party" and "the conservative party" and you claim to once be married to Michael Ignatieff?
You get stranger every day.
You should consider Wellbutrin Isabella, it may help
So is that we're going with? Isabella, bitter divorcée, recent immigrant?
I can work with that.
It doesn't have to be true, it just has to be plausible.
The Opposition parties are terrified of the optics opposing this Bill.
They don't want to be branded soft on crime.
The CPC have a significant advantage in the PR battle.
This flawed Bill like many others will pass because the opposition parties are in a much weaker condition than they were last year.
The Polls reflect their support for the current government in managing the major ballot issues.
They will continue to put their Agenda front and centre as if they had a majority.
You must rock the dinner parties with your engaging conversation Oakville Crackpot.
ZZZZZZ.... bitter.....zzzzzz
do you drink much?
what party is propping up the CPC and polling the worst in over 100 years?
BCL, RH are both upset regarding Bill C 47 being a BAD policy.
The clown car brigade instead of addressing the post are left with NOTHING to do but make personal insults. Truly GR you appear more desperate and bitter with every post when you ignore the subject matter of the Host blogger.
Were it not for the conservative posters this blog would be deader than Iggy's chances in the next election. Just look at all the zeros BCL puts up when we're not around. Worse than the friggin Leafs. Heck, I should be paid for wasting my time and talent here.
do you drink much?
Gene, I think she's coming on to you.
Give yourself time to heal, Isabella. You're on the rebound.
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