On October 9th, 2009 the Cowichan Valley Citizen published a column titled "Questionable conduct of CHRC". In this column, it was alleged that investigations were begun, not only by the RCMP, but by the Privacy Commissioner as well, and a Parliamentary Review of the CHRC's activities was conducted.
In publishing the column it was not made clear that these statements referred to the CHRC and not Mr. Warman. Further, that the criminal investigation had concluded without charges being laid and that the Privacy Commissioner determined that no breach of the Privacy Act occurred and that the privacy complaint was "not well-founded".
The column also referred to a "conflict of interest" and"corruption". It was not the intent of the Cowichan Valley Citizen that these statements be regarded as factual or refer to Richard Warman. The Cowichan Valley Citizen has no evidence that Richard Warman was in a conflict of interest, corrupt or subject to a criminal investigation or an investigation by the Privacy Commission.
The Cowichan Valley Citizen hereby wholly and unreservedly apologizes to Mr. Warman and regrets any embarrassment this column may have caused Mr. Warman.
Given the howlers in the origonal article (which I won't link to), you have to think that the Citizen is publishing just anything that's put in front of them.
Tells you about the state of CanWest papers these days.
Speechies are offering moral support in the comments, but little in the way of cash for legal fees, and at the moment Walker seems intent on going down fighting in the name of Freedom.

It's Walker Morrow, and I near as I can tell he's not being sued at all.
You can't run around calling people "corrupt" and expect that there will be no consequences. Jay Currie is now, incredibly, calling this a species of child abuse, because Walker is only 17.
When u choose to play with the big people u take the consequences that can follow
Oh man, that thread over at Walker Morrow's is choice.
Quote the grandiose "Truepeers:"
I've always admired your writing. I've known smart, mouthy young guys, since I grew up at a time just before the schools and postmodern victimary ideologies conspired to shut up the young men who wanted to dominate the classroom with their spirited if often half-baked ideas. Believe it or not young guns used to be common if you went to the right schools. Sure, the overly-confident youth could be a problem in its way, one that was addressed by guilt-promoting ideologies. However, my last experiences, before I had to leave the academic world behind, was of young people now turned sullen and cynical and silent and stupid by the reign of PC and its demands for performance of self-incrimination/confession of "privilege", or assertion of victimhood, neither of which are often appropriate to a self-respecting youngster. I witnessed the rise of a reign of speech enforcer...
...etc. etc. It goes on and on and on...
That Warman bloke seems rather sensitive to people impugning his reputation. Imagine that.
You'll have cause to worry about your reputation eventually, Paul.
Oopsie. Will fix that, Dawg. And if anything is child abuse its Jay egger WM on.
You know, my name is in my blogging handle. And it was, you know, attached to the article, because I was the author...
Whats your point?
Just saying... ;)
Oopsie. Will fix that, Dawg. And if anything is child abuse its Jay egger WM on.
You can say that again. All of the speechies have been behaving like sexual predators when it comes to this issue.
So I guess that makes me jailbait?
Don't think you're special. The speechies like to be surrounded by people they can easily dominate.
I'm really sorry you ended up writing a column based on sources replete with libellous claims that have never been proved and that you were poorly advised by people who are morally- and ethically-challenged.
It is indeed a mark against you, although nowhere near as bad as plagiarism.
Don't do that either, by the way.
Uh huh.
Save the eye-rolling for your parents.
Save the lectures for your children.
Don't you kids make me come back there!
Save the lectures for your children.
Not as big a hit as Truepeers, eh? Maybe I should try stuff like this:
You seem unusually cool and patient for a young buck and yet you're not a nerd either but lively and funny. This Warman threat is just a necessary bump/challenge on the road to a world he can't imagine, allowing you to hone the writing identity you've already forged. As for the newspaper, I figure it's a cold business decision from a bankruptcy case. Tough break not to get their full support; but such are the evils of our world. You will have the support of much of the blogosphere, which is not to be confused with good legal advice or deciding whether to fight dubious survivors from my generation's pathetic battles.
O tempora! O mores!
Why oh why oh WHY do the other speechers insist on attacking Warman personally?
It's unnecessary. Counter-productive. A waste of energy.
And (sometimes rightfully) exposes them to liability.
Finally: Ti-Guy, you cracked me up. Congratulations. Dork.
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