And, if you recall, it was the Canadian-wing of the IFPS that arranged the infamous "Ann Coulter in Canada" tour, which I have written about on numerous occasions.
In fact, the IFPS-Canada's Ezra Levant (he is on their Board of Advisers) was there with Ann during her disastrous appearance at the University of Ottawa, when organizers failed to secure an appropriately sized venue, bungled the process of registering and admitting attendees, and then blamed "The Left" when things got out of hand and they were forced to cancel the speech.
In any case, Mr. Hedegaard is, as they say, in dutch with Danish authorities:
The chairman of the Freedom of the Press Society, Lars Hedegaard, has been charged with making racist remarks by the Public Prosecutor for Copenhagen.
The charge comes after Hedegaard on the blog site Snaphanen in December 2009 described rape as common in Muslim families, especially girls by their uncles, cousins or fathers.
The Copenhagen Post notes that numerous prominent members have abandoned the IFPS in the wake of Hedegaard's remarks; we'll see if the Canadian contingent is up to a similar display of class.
Incidentally, also on the Board of Advisers for the IFPS are Mark Steyn, and our own Kathy Shaidle, whose attempts to organize Canadian tea-baggers in London was similarly unsuccessful.
C'mon folks: step up and denounce!

It'll be interesting to watch the make-up of the board-of-advisors over the coming weeks. An archived version of it from Aug. 10, 2010 is
Actually, the guy is right - at least in Saudi Arabia. When I was there, talking with western nurses who worked in Saudi hospitals, the rate of young boys and young girls being raped by family members and left in the desert to die was staggering. Hate to be on the side of Ezrant but in this case the truth cannot be denied.
Curious commentary following the article.
Suppose - just suppose - that a certain group or religious affiliation did have a problem with some behaviour which, if not endemic to the group - was at least enough of a problem that it suggested public interest required that it be identified.
Oh. Say. Abuse of children by Catholic priests.
Now I'm inciting hatred against Catholics.
Sometimes, Jymn, actually protecting children and others takes a back seat to being "open minded" enough to ignore the reality.
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