Upon receiving a letter of complaint from Mr. Soros’s legal counsel on September 13, 2010, Sun Media Corporation always intended to publish a retraction and apology for this column. Despite constant efforts on both sides, Sun Media and Mr. Soros’s counsel were unable to reach agreement on the content of a retraction.
Wonder if that means the suit is still on? In any case, their doesn't look as if there was much negotiating to be done. Sun Media's abasement seems utter:
The management of Sun Media wishes to state that there is no basis for the statements in the column and they should not have been made.
Sun Media, this newspaper and Ezra Levant retract the statements made in the column and unreservedly apologize to Mr. Soros for the distress and harm this column may have caused to him.
When you think of Ezra, think of the phrase "there is no basis for the statements", and everything will become clear.
PS. Some speculation as to whether the suit might still be on. Sounds like it might be.

Ezra is obviously trying to get attention from the Harper ideologues in the hope he can become a Tory cabinet minister. Harper probably loves people like him.
Sue, Soros, sue. Don't let up. Make Sun spend every last red cent defending itself until Peladeau shrugs and walks away.
Delicious! More champagne!
I wonder if Soros' counsel is demanding Levant's head on a stick. Perhaps the Sun is willing to grovel but won't ditch the reptile.
Desperate scramble to mitigate damages. Expect Sun Girls with "We're So Sorry, George" and "Ezra WHO?" tattoed on their midriffs, starting Monday.
I hope Soros doesn't settle. Wouldn't it be a kick in the pants if Soros ended up owning Sun Media as a result of the court award?
The Sun should fire Levant - again - and let hire him again - ever!!!
It is their reputation - scr.w Levant.
How many Sun papers ran Levant's slanderous attack on Soros? If it ran outside of Ontario -- and doesn't the internet really expand the border even if it was just the Tor or Ott rags? -- there's no ending to the bleeding Quebecor's dishonest sheet could suffer...
A just ending, i'd say. Harper and his soldiers of treason are next.
Really, Dawg. Champagne with popcorn? How declassé.
On the other hand, probably beats the shit out of Manischewitz with cold crow.
Terence the hilarious part is that there is no love for Ezra from Harper and his government. Look up what happened when Ezra was running to become an MP in Calgary SW - which is essentially a guarantee of a seat if you're a Tory. That's why when Harper became leader, Ezra was asked to step aside for the leader to run in the safest Conservative seat in the land - and refused.
It became a huge, noisy, public drama before he sulkily finally agreed to give the nomination to Harper and he's unpopular with the Harperites to this day.
Rather than "there is no basis for the statements," I prefer to channel Ezra Levant through the phrase "gross error of fact." I think that is what he committed in Calgary in days past?
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