"Far too often, Eastern-based reporters say it¹s the Liberals and the Tories who are neck-and-neck and fighting it out for government," Lavigne said from Regina Sunday. "In fact, in Western Canada and now we believe with the gun registry, it¹s the NDP not the Liberals who are the competition in out here.
His conclusion, which sounds plausible to me, is that while Jack Layton is telling the East he's doing all he can to save the registry, he's telling the West that he's willing to see the thing dead. The problem is, the gun-registry votes are fast approaching: at some point Jack has to open the box, and Schrödinger's cat will decohere.
PS. At this point the numbers on C-391 are very close, perhaps tied. If one or two more NDP MPS switch, then the ball will be back in the LPoC court, and the test will be how effectively Iggy can whip his own people. Should he fail, all the good work of this past summer will have been for nothing.

Or how many urban Tories fail to show up for a vote they believe will not help them on the doorsteps.
It would be interesting to have a poll done in urban Cons ridings on the gun registry.
I don't believe for a minute that the Cons aren't whipped
When the people get word that it is the NRA, not the farmers, etc who want it gone, it may change their mind.
To me the NRA stuff is so obvious as to not be news.
bigcitylib....To the average person...no.
RuralSandi said... I don't believe for a minute that the Cons aren't whipped
The Hill Times has already reported that to be true, the CPofC is whipping their MPs on this.
The NRA issue isn't new - but a reminder doesn't hurt.
bigcitylib said...
To me the NRA stuff is so obvious as to not be news.
What "NRA stuff" would that be?
Is this another lame Liberal attempt to introduce a conspiracy theory into the discussion? Is that you best shot, telling lies in a futile effort to scare people into agreeing with you? Try throwing George Bush's name around again, why not?
(oh, and which American did you guys bring to Canada to speak at one of your Liberal conventions, again? I forget his name...)
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