“The European Union should be designating tar sands as dirty fuel as part of its fuel emissions regulations.” says Chief Thomas of the Saik’uz First Nation of Northern British Columbia on the EU Fuel Quality Directive. “Tar sands production is speeding up climate change, destroying land, forests and water, and it is subjecting Indigenous peoples to incalculable long-term harm. If Europe cares about climate change, is true to its commitment to Indigenous rights, they should take action to stop the tar sands and stop growth of tar sands infrastructure like the Enbridge pipelines and oil tankers.
Luckily, the Gateway pipeline is going nowhere.

Most of that statement is progressive drivel.
Pathetically, the left is using First Nations people as pawns in their attempts to slander the value of the tar sands.
CO2 from the tarsands is no more hazardous then CO2 from any other source.
And Chief Thomas doesn't speak for the thousands fo First Nations people employed in the tar sands.
Outside of government, the tar sands are the largest employers of First Nations people in all of Canada.
And please no more of that claptrap about elevated cancer rates which has been disproved by medical experts worldwide.
Lastly, Gateway. Who cares about Gateway? Keystone is where the action is and Obama is most definitely going to approve it.
I love that Paul S refers to the tar sands as the tar sands.
He's evolving. Took me four years of blogging to get him to do it, though.
I say tar sands specifically to see progressives contort their faces in incoherent rage at the mere mention of the word.
Tar sands! Tar sands! Tar sands! LOL
@Gene...no that's just Paul S
Sure, Paul S. Next thing you'll be using utensils to eat with, and dreaming of marrying a cute little cowboy.
"And please no more of that claptrap about elevated cancer rates which has been disproved by medical experts worldwide."
Not really true Paul. Once study was done by Alberta Health, which was audited by medical professionals outside the country. It did not conclude there was no elevated risk for people living in Fort Chip. In fact, it said while the cancer rates were within a normal range, they were higher than expected and that further monitoring is warranted. I am not aware of any further monitoring actually happening.
*The observed cases of cholangiocarcinoma and colon cancer during the period of investigation (1995-2006) are within the expected range of cancer occurrence.
The number of cancer cases overall was higher than expected. In particular, increases of observed over expected were found for biliary tract cancers as a group and cancers of the blood and lymphatic system. These increases were based on a small number of cases and could be due to chance or increased detection. The possibility that the increased rate is due to increased risk in the community, however, cannot be ruled out.
The increased number of cases of biliary tract cancers, cancers in the blood and lymphatic system and cancers of unknown primary seen in the most recent six years (2001-2006) compared to the years 1995-2000 of the investigation warrant closer monitoring of cancer occurrences in Fort Chipewyan in the coming years.
Further investigation is required to evaluate if there is a risk posed by living in Fort Chipewyan. This would be done by tracking a cohort of residents who have lived in the area within the past 20 to 30 years.
As part of an overall assessment of the health status of the community, further analysis should also be done of many potential risk factors, such as lifestyle risk factors, family history and occupational and environmental exposures.*
This guy posts often about Fort Chip and the health issues there:
"the left is using First Nations people as pawns"
On the contrary, a quick glance at the IEN website shows that, far from being pawns, the First Nations show tremendous courage and persistence in standing up to big oil, and in defending their environment, lifestyle, health and treaty rights.
How many Canadians would want to live upstream from the Tar Sands, drink the water, eat the fish and breathe the air? Out of sight, out of mind for most of us, unfortunately.
In fact, it said while the cancer rates were within a normal range, they were higher than expected. . .- Gayle
Not true Gayle. Can't anybody read? Variance in a small population is to be expected. Some cancer rates were higher; many cancer rates were lower.
. . . the First Nations show tremendous courage and persistence in standing up to big oil . . . -Ima1
Yeah, which explains why thousands and thousands of First Nations people are employed in the tarsands.
Stop Big Oil! No more $100,000 a year jobs!
How many Canadians would want to live upstream from the Tar Sands, drink the water, eat the fish and breathe the air? - Ima1
Tens of thousands already do without any ill effect.
Out of sight, out of mind for most of us, unfortunately. - Iam1
Yes, you have such an affinity for First Nations people Ima1.
In your perfect world, you would strip the First Nations people of the extremely well paid work thousands of them have in the tarsands and throw them back to a poverty level existence.
How thoughtful of you.
So, according to you Paul S, the First Nations should just be grateful that they are being offered jobs in the Tar Sands and quit complaining?
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