A number of projects are now being funded which hopefully will bring more information to bear on the treatment itself.
I have met with constituents who have experienced improvement and relief after taking this therapy outside the country.
As I said, it is up to provinces to decide what services should be funded. Meanwhile, at the federal level, we are working with researchers and with those who are receiving treatment to determine what should be the future involvement of the federal government.
A development of which I have no particular opinon. Although--is the demand for this treatment coming from members of the Tory political base, the West, rural Canada? I get the impression it might be.

Apparently, MS is prevalent in western Canada, particularly Sask. So that would stand to reason.
Harper is about to allow Potash Corp to be sold. Most of the people in Saskatchewan don't want that to happen. Brad Wall has implemented Liberation Treatment and the move has been quite popular here in Saskatchewan.
IE) Harper is about to piss off a lot of people in Sask and needs to buy us back. Just a hunch.
"...which I have no particular opinon".
Don't worry. Kinsella or some of your spinmeisters will be along to tell you what to think soon enough. This lag time is simply the by-product of not actually having a political purpose.
Blair, have you seen any poll numbers on Potash in Saskatchewan? I'd be interested in seeing them.
ridenrain said... "the by-product of not actually having a political purpose"
As opposed to the only political purpose that you hold? Which is to confirm that the New Conservative party is the #1 choice of nitwits like yourself.
My local MP, Patrick Brown, in an article in one of the local papers, seems to be suggesting that the federal government is funding clinical trials of the liberation therapy. At the very least he's saying that the feds are funding MS clinical trials without mentioning that the trials have nothing to do with the liberation therapy. Either way it seems like giving false hope to sick people. Here is the article: Feds still funding MS trials: Brown
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