Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stephen Harper: I Will Destabilize The Government Until I Am Given A Majority

I can't help thinking that this:

RIVIERE-DU-LOUP, Que.–Stephen Harper is rejecting the notion of working with the other parties to come up with a compromise that would save a Conservative government from defeat if his party wins another minority. a bit of a cock-up on the strategy/tactics front.  It really seems that Harper refuses to play with the other kids in the sand-box unless he gets all the buckets and all the shovels.  Incredibly arrogant sounding.


Northern PoV said...

Could this bald rejection of the Canadian temperament towards compromise be the turning point?
Does this not expose Harper for the dictator he aspires to be?
Will the somnolent voters finally rise up?

Let's hope.

double nickel said...

That's the way he always sounds.

Gerrard787 said...

Hmmm. Compromise means accepting the will of the electorate, something Ignatieff is letting us know loud and clear he will not do.

Progessives are intent on destabilization; conservatives are adovcating steady and consistent leadership. Take your pick.

Gerrard787 said...

Hmmm. Compromise means accepting the will of the electorate, something Ignatieff is letting us know loud and clear he will not do.

Progessives are intent on destabilization; conservatives are adovcating steady and consistent leadership. Take your pick.

Gene Rayburn said...

Cripes Paul back to primary school for you if you dont understand the meaning of the word compromise.

Plus the tories should credit your account for that post, because it's shit

Anonymous said...

Shorter Dumstrum:

We should all accept the will of the 1/3 of voters who vote Conservative.

Master said...

Hello my friend! I want to say that this article is awesome, nice written and include almost all vital info. I would like to see more posts like this.

Reality Bites said...

That's hilarious - a spam for an essay writing service that's incredibly badly written!

Southern Quebec said...

Must be from a Blogging Tory!