I wasn't sure this morning, but as it turns out the Free Dominion Declaration of Support/Petition is indeed up and running
here. There are about 18 signatures on the petition, including that of my pal Galactus, who seems quite enthusiastic. Everyone is invited to visit the site and express their support. Let's see if we can't get a few Marvel Superheros, and maybe one of the Spice Girls, to sign up before the end of the week.
As a more serious aside, this will be a good opportunity to gauge how many people actually post to Free-D. their Facebook site has 179 members.
IS there any particular reason I, as a progressive - who thinks this site makes SDA and Shaidle look like mushy moderates - would want to sign this petition?
Not sign so much as prank. As much a protest at the uselessness of on-line petitions as anything else. (Or if you honestly think that this is a Free Speech issue despire FDs loathsomeness, then hey that's good too.)
What's really funny are the actual supporters of FD who think signing "Red Dog" on an online petition actually means anything.
Anon, there's no reason why anyone, of any political persuasion, should ever sign any online petition on any subject whatsoever.
They're utterly worthless and a complete waste of time.
As are 99% of real petitions. But they sure make the people who sign them feel good, and hey, that's better than actually accomplishing something, right?
I love how Liberals think they are live and let live libertarians but when it comes time to actually stand up for freedom of speech they expose their true totalitarian colours.
You guys take it a step further and actually mock those who would stand up to statism!
"IS there any particular reason I, as a progressive - who thinks this site makes SDA and Shaidle look like mushy moderates - would want to sign this petition?"
If you were a smarter person you'd understand that it doesn't matter whether you agree with a person or not; everyone is free to say "up with sunshine!", right? Standing up for freedom of speech absolutely means standing up for the rights of those you disagree with too and if you were of higher moral character you would understand that.
"Bare" this:
more soup con: Up yers, sunshine.
BigCityLib Strikes Back
Tips on Beating Down the Conservative Menace
It’s bit Star Wars for me but I get the point. Star Wars has to be the most over rated nonsense I can imagine. I hope the “Starwarians” are not offended. Anyway, I get it.
This board’s dark force example is obviously Free Dominion. In Canada, when it comes to Internet politics, Free Dominion is king of hill for traditional (and sometimes irrational) Conservative views. In terms of the must watch list for Canadian Conservative immerging wish lists, hands down it’s Free Dominion. For those of you who giggle with glee at the opportunity to ridicule, let’s say, less sophisticated posters, I remind you that there are mirrors and maybe you should take a peak. Bragging rights are unfounded on all sides of this mess.
Nonetheless, let me spell out what is about to happen.
On FD there are several Jewish members. I’m not saying they are especially big players but don’t underestimate them. It’s funny, in some ways they are like the Irish, always up for a fight. This blog is publicly begging for it. And of courses, not just Jews. How many Muslims are just waiting to be offended? I mean, abortion and women’s rights – that’s hateful to them. They are offended. It’s a perfect vehicle to advance their cause. Simply irresistantable, as the song goes. And it would seem to me that aboriginals might have cause for offence here and there. Given their public demonstrations and the like, why not the CHRC – 100% kill rate, and you gotta like that! On it would go. Bankrupting people and making a mockery of our best ideals. I think the cheerleaders behind all this upset me the most. It’s creepy weird.
If ever the Pandora’s Box analogy fit – it is here.
One last thing. And I would appreciate Reality Bites’ reply to this.
Again the name of this blog
“BigCityLib Strikes Back Tips on Beating Down the Conservative Menace”
Here’s the thing, if this website disappeared it would affect nothing. If Free Dominion shuts down, your greatest host will die. That makes you a parasite. It’s as if you are biting the teet that feeds you. Please tell me where my logic breaks down. I only want the acknowledgement it so we can move on to a more important discussion. That’s if you are up to it.
If anyone on FD wants to fink me out to the CHRC, I'm up for it, anon 8:21.
bigcitylib said...
If anyone on FD wants to fink me out to the CHRC, I'm up for it, anon 8:21.
Big talk. You'd wet yourself.
Free Dominion is king of hill for traditional (and sometimes irrational) Conservative views.
Heh. "Sometimes." I still don't know what all the sex talk at FD has to do with "traditional conservatism."
FornicatingDuo is not a "conservative" site. It's a freak show devoted to spreading hate - much like the party (Reform) that spawned it.
If Pastor Martin Niemöller was a member of FD instead of the decent, principled man he was, he'd likely have written something like this:
First we went after the gays
and I was glad, because I hate gays
Then we went after the Muslims
And I was glad because I hate Muslims
Then we went after the Red Tories
And I was glad because I hate Red Tories
Then we went after the immigrants
And I was glad because I hate immigrants
Then we went after the Quebecers
And I was glad because I hate Quebecers
And then Canadians woke up to who was really causing the problems,
And for some odd reason the gays, Muslims, Red Tories, immigrants and Quebecers didn't seem to want to speak up for me.
Go figure.
Heh. "Sometimes." I still don't know what all the sex talk at FD has to do with "traditional conservatism."
is the act of removing nits (the eggs of lice, generally head lice) from the host's hair. As the nits are cemented to individual hairs with louse ...
More evidence for my parasite theory.
is the act of removing nits (the eggs of lice, generally head lice) from the host's hair. As the nits are cemented to individual hairs with louse ...
Yeah, I know what "nits" are and what "nit-picking" means. You're pretty adept at the cut 'n paste there, 'nonny.
Do have anything original to say?
"The stink of desperation is pungent."
I love that. But I think it would be even better as "The stench of desperation".
"The stench of desperation is pungent." Yeah. Mind if I use that?
jj said...
"The stink of desperation is pungent."
I love that. But I think it would be even better as "The stench of desperation".
"The stench of desperation is pungent." Yeah. Mind if I use that?
10:16 PM
I'm into open source, it's all yours.
I looked at your image. You are seriously hot. I love the trouble maker glint in your eyes.
Pacheco's been removing some names. Apparently he doesn't want the support of Laureen Teskey and Stephen Harper.
He does, apparently still value the support of R. Jackmeoff.
Gee, I was thinking anon sounded like that conceited fathead Adonick, then I read this "...I looked at your image. You are seriously hot. I love the trouble maker glint in your eyes..." Yep, that's the fathead alright. Hold your nose, jj, and he'll go away.
The stench of desperation permeates the overheated atmosphere of FD, where they tell each other that more CO2 is good and they can live without 02 if that's what the market demands.
What is the point of having a petition if people don't bother to put their real names?
This petition will never be effective. Americans are signing it. What do Canadians care what Americans think of our laws?
Red Dogs, and other fake names are adding their names. Is there honestly someone out there with the name of Mr. Red Dog? lol
If you feel strongly enough about something, add your real name for goodness sake!
Anon 10:37: "I looked at your image. You are seriously hot."
The stench of desperation is pungent.
Even a free speech fanatic like me can't sign that particular petition. The first part refers to the principle of free speech. Then there is a reference to the CHRC tribunal system and due process. Fine so far.
Then it gets into a discussion about whether or not the posts at FD are hateful. This is an entirely separate issue. It is possible to believe that the speech at FD is hateful while supporting their right to say it anyway. The authors didn't consider that as a possibility.
Why do free dominionists claim to support freedom of speeche, but at the same time attack freedom of the press? The Conservatives are getting the RCMP to boot out journalists from the Charlottetown meeting and the FD hypocrites are quite happy about it.
jj said...
Anon 10:37: "I looked at your image. You are seriously hot."
The stench of desperation is pungent.
2 shay
Pedantry as the soul of wit... Huh. Whodda tunk it#
Pedantry as the soul of wit... Huh. Whodda tunk it#
Hell hath no fury like an Anon scorned.
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