And, just coincidentally, yesterday details came to light re some of the staff operating the Tory war room:
So the rumours are true: Ezra Levant is officially on staff at Tory HQ. As Kinsella pointed out yesterday, the idea that Harper should be accusing others of being a threat to the unity of the nation while hauling around a guy that's against bilingualism and pro-Quebec separatism is especially rich. But lets examine a few more of Ezra's eccentric views.
1) He's anti-Charter of Rights.

2) He's anti-human rights legislation. This has most recently been manifested in his jihad against section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, wherein he has relied on Canadian and American Neo-Nazi Sources to support many of his allegations. For example, the "hacked wifi conspiracy theory", which Ezra embraced with a vengeance, and which has now been thoroughly discredited, depends in some of the details of its elaboration on information supplied by Don Black, who runs the White Supremacist website Stormfront, and who learned his computer skills in U.S. federal prison while serving time for his attempt, with a number of Toronto-based Neo-Nazis, at overthrowing the government of Dominica.
But there's more! Ezra hasn't stopped with section 13. From the foamy outrage expressed on his website, you can't help but conclude that he just doesn't like Human Rights Legislation, period. For example, in this post he ridicules a blind man's attempt, through the BCHRT, to keep his guide dog.
So, someone should ask Mr. Harper: which of the Ezra's views do you concur with? And if the answer is "none", what are you doing employing this blast from the Reform Party past in your campaign?

And let us not forget Ezra's more than close relationship with a Canadian fellow traveller amongst the neo-Nazi set:
you can't help but conclude that he just doesn't like Human Rights Legislation, period.
Help but conclude? I'm pretty sure he's said as much directly. All the right libertarians believe that group rights have a distorting effect on society...that it confers an illegitimate advantage on people who...and this is where they assert and never argue...haven't earned it.
It's always astonishing to me that it's undeniable mediocrities like Ezra Levant (and most of the right libertarians) who argue that most vocally, but I'm convinced that's just part of their sociopathy that motivates them to scream "unfair" to detract from the fact that they *are* mediocrities.
Anyway, Stephen Harper doesn't care what a useful idiot like Levant believes. He's after that elusive 2 or 3 percent on the lunatic fringe that will lead him to victory.
"And let us not forget Ezra's more than close relationship with a Canadian fellow traveller amongst the neo-Nazi set:"
Snore. Other then the lunatic left, do you think anyone believes this stuff??
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