Sunday, February 19, 2012

Skeena Queen Charlotte Says NO To Northern Gateway

They don't want no dirty oil from Alta. befouling their waters.  Meanwhile, Enbridge considers a route change.  But, as the article suggests, it probably won't help much.  Just a different group of people laying down in front of the tractors.

If this thing gets approved, incidentally, I'm may fly out West and chain myself to something.  Anyone willing to put me up for a few weeks?  I'm very quiet.


Omar said...

I bet Fred from BC would love to have you.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the PMO already has the RCMP working on housing us all. They're going to need a lot more space than was needed for Clayoquot.

karen said...

eI'm a little south of where the chaining to bulldozers has to happen, but I intend to do that too. You're welcome here.

Fred from BC said...

Blogger Omar said...

I bet Fred from BC would love to have you.

Absolutely. He can chain himself to the anchor on my boat....

Fred from BC said...

Hey, it does guzzle a lot of fuel. A case might be made for me being an enemy of the environment, right?