Cullen was quite eloquent re Northern Gateway. Horwath got in a good line about Bob Rae knowing how to do what's right by Bob Rae. That got a roar out of some of the Libloggerspresent. Dewar's skillz, however, are truely inadequate.
Update: Dewar actually spoke in the end. His speech didn't impress me much but it made me notice how little french Cullen's presentation contained. Hmm. Wonder what this signifiies.
Another update: The soundtrack to Mulcair's video lead in is mostly white noise, something that sounds like a jack-hammer, and drums. It is starting to make me angry, which may be the point.

Wonder what this signifies.
Les gants sont éteints. (Translation: The gloves are off.)
Did Cullen's suit look as ill-fitting in person as it did on teevee? So far Dewar is winning the battle of the Finely Tailored hands down. I also notice a nice coif of hair is not a big factor among the male NDP leadership hopefuls. Although Dewar's woolly-do probably wins that one as well.
Hey! This hippie drumming thing is the most commie thing so far! Doesn't seem very Mulcair-like to me, but I like it!
I started getting angry for some reason. What was the Jack hammer on the sound track?
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