And of all the Blogging Tories,
this guy seems most disgruntled at the frankly shocking Alberta election result from last night. It's cruel to kick a person at their lowest point, but at least consider it. Alternatively, you can "concern troll" over in his comment section: "Oh I'm so sorry for your abject failure!" That kind of thing. Also fun is Stephen Taylor's twitter feed; you can actually sense
the precise moment when his soul dies. As an aside, I got a look at him beardless at the NDP convention. Quite a handsome young man. I thought it was there to hide a lack of chin, but no! And
here Ezra spontaneously shits himself! And
again! Meanwhile, at 3am Colby Cosh realized that he was going to have to take off his werewolf suit and learn to use a fork again, so he honked out
this column. Sadly, no, we love you Alberta, but you still can't have that pipeline.
PS. For extra fun, here's the
FreeD thread devoted to the topic, where they blame "Toronto fear-mongering" for the Wildrose loss, so thank's for the shout-out guys glad I could help. In any case, I'm pretty sure somewhere Ed Kennedy threatens to drive out to Calgary and kill