Tory MP Colin Mayes responds to cuts to government CAP programs, which allows libraries and missions around the Okanagan to provide free computer time to disadvantaged youth so they can print resumes and access government forms:
Mayes is complete asswipe. Can't for the life of me understand why the North Okanagan continually elects this guy as their MP. What he should have said is that due to his government's policies, there are no jobs in his riding so why bother printing resumes. In 2008, he stood idly by and said and did nothing while a major employer, a glass manufacturer, closed due to US capitalist greed, 350 direct and hundreds of indirect jobs vanished as a result.
"You have to set priorities with the limited dollars you have." like F-35's! Priority!
Mayers is now the new poster boy for Out of Touch with Reality.
Internet cafe's? Oh right, I remember them, they were all the rage in the 90's.
They wouldn't have limited dollars if they would quit giving them to oil companies.
Mayes is complete asswipe. Can't for the life of me understand why the North Okanagan continually elects this guy as their MP. What he should have said is that due to his government's policies, there are no jobs in his riding so why bother printing resumes. In 2008, he stood idly by and said and did nothing while a major employer, a glass manufacturer, closed due to US capitalist greed, 350 direct and hundreds of indirect jobs vanished as a result.
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