Alex Cullen, the NDP candidate for Ottawa-West Nepean admitted public sector job cuts are likely if his party is in power following the June election, but would likely not approach the number proposed by the PC's.
The NDP! Sacking civil servants! I never thought I would see the day. And the problem with this strategy is that the vote they're trying to steal, the Tory vote...those people don't buy it. They still think the NDP are communists. And the party base, the people who've voted Orange forever...they're starting to think maybe they aren't communists, and looking at Kathleen Wynne's OLP. The NDP has convinced exactly the wrong crowd that they've abandoned their values.
So they taking it on both left and right buttock.

It is the most frustrating political moment of a life filled with political frustrations - I cannot in good conscience vote NDP and, given my riding (Lisa McCloud), I will be voting Liberal. So it goes.
NDP are becoming centralist realists - nobody can coherently argue that cuts to the public service are not needed to help get the deficit under control. You cannot achieve enough growth in revenues to cover the $12.5 Billion deficit - growth will cover some for sure, but no way it can cover the whole thing. Total spending has gone up way too high and needs to be cut back and then grow slower (in line with inflation.) It is pie in the sky to believe we can keep spending and spending and that will make the economy better - only thing that can be guaranteed is that increased spending will result in more deficit and debt.
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