If most of R&B's listeners are from Alabama, they're probably handy around forests and are leaning to the "mangy bear" theory. Below is a photo of the "Jacobs Creature" I found that shows the inferred skeletal structure of the animal in the picture. Sasquatch expert Jeff Meldrum says it pretty clearly indicates that the animal is NOT some kind of primate (and IS therefore most likely a bear with mange).
Something I always like to mention when writing on these topics is the Cryptomundo website, w
hich where most of the information found here originally came from. If there's anything weird and unknown crawling around the Alabama backwoods, Loren and the gang at Cryptomundo have it covered.

No, Biggest one day spike was from Kinsella. Oddly enough, the topic was also bigfoot.
You missed a golden opportunity to blame that on Global Warming!
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